Contest 77
Picture by Atticus

Ninja-Z: Bottom Shy Guy: You guys know that he's just going to tear out the mailbox again, don't you?
Ninja-Z: Bottom Shy Guy: Good DAD, please let it be Slim Fast he's getting...
Ninja-Z: Snifit: Now that I've had my morning whiff of the mailbox, let us go and sniff the mailbox of the giant
Ninja-Z: on top of the beanstalk.
Ninja-Z: To check the mail, or not to check the mail, that, is the question.

Dash: Snifit: Why is there a sound in that mailbox that sounds like a fuse burning?
Dash: Mailbox: HEY! DON'T OPEN ME!
Dash: Snifit: No, I don't know I'm standing on your head, but if you hum a few bars, I might know it.
Dash: And THIS is what happens when the Shy Guys and Snifit try to imitate the Koopa Bros.
Dash: Pink: We took eight hours to stack each other, so be carefu- WOAH! *CRASH!*
Dash: Snifit: You DO know that this mailbox has no mail, right?
Dash: Pink: That's not a row of bushes, that's a CATERPILLAR! ... I think.
Dash: Snifit: I think... I can... almost reach... that UFO!
Dash: A rejected mini-game, Mailbox Stack, from a rejected game, Shy Guy Party GP, only for a rejected
Dash: system, Game Pyramid!
Dash: Snifit: UGH! YOU'RE TOO HEAVY! I CAN'T HOLD YOU UP ANY LONGER! ... Wait a minute...

Prince Larry: Shy Guy: Geeze man, you really need to lay off the candy bars.

Dark Koopa: All that work just for them to get an ad for 50% off turkey sandwiches.
Dark Koopa: Snifit: Bills, bills, bills. Why do we keep getting Bill's mail?

Star_Daniel: Snifit: Oh boy, I hope I've won 1 billion dollars!

Super Goomba: Snifit: Why does my mailbox have to be so high up?! WOAH!!!

Dylan: After the Shy Guys wasted their time trying to get the mail, they realized the only thing they got were
Dylan: bills.
Dylan: This is how Snifits get the bullets that they spit out.

MetaKnight: Shy Guy: Why did we build it so high up?!

DaKingKoopa: Red Shy Guy #1: Why is the Snifit's mailbox way up THERE? This is madness, I tell you!
DaKingKoopa: The Shy Girl's mailbox is actually in a different place because she lives right next door.
DaKingKoopa: Snifit: I LOOOOOOOVE my new
DaKingKoopa: "Extra-Tall-Mailbox-That-You-Have-To-Have-Three-Shy-Guys-Lifting-You-Up" mailbox! I
DaKingKoopa: really do!
DaKingKoopa: Pink Shy Guy: I HATE it when Sniffy checks his mailbox.

Detective Conan: Little do they know there's no mail inside.

Green Yoshi: Looks like the the Shy Guys have just received the latest issue of How to Get Your Mailboxes
Green Yoshi: Down From Big Poles Like This One Monthly.

DarkLudwig: Higher Red Shy Guy: Gee, why did Stilt Guy have to go on a vacation anyway?!

Punisher: Shy Guy on the bottom: I HATE GETTING THE MAIL!
Punisher: Pink Shy Guy: And that's why getting mail is one of the harder chores in our household.
Punisher: Koopa humor at its best!

Tommy Koopa: Bottom Shy Guy: Is it just me, or is the mailbox getting taller every day?

Chelsea koopa: Orange: Can you reach it?
Chelsea koopa: Pink: Man, why am I near the bottom?
Chelsea koopa: Red: Man, you're heavy, lose some weight!
Chelsea koopa: Black: Almost there...

Kirbyfancobra: Shy Stacks at home.
Kirbyfancobra: Snifit: C'mon! I gotta see if the new Nintendo Power came today!
Kirbyfancobra: Shy Guy: Hey! Since when do we have opposable thumbs?

MaskedSheik: Snifit: Stop complaining you three! Your paychecks for this work come in the mail, and this is
MaskedSheik: the only way you'll get paid!
MaskedSheik: Snifit: What...? Let me off and I'll show you about overweight!!!
MaskedSheik: Short Mailbox: Daddy, Daddy, did we get anything in the Snifit?
MaskedSheik: Snifit: I'm sorry... There's an invitation to Kastle Koopa, correspondance from my brother in
MaskedSheik: Water Land, an acceptance letter from Kollege Koopa, coupons to Star Mart, and 42 coins, but
MaskedSheik: no ladders! ***FIRST PRIZE***

SuperSonic0: I wish I were a Stilt Guy.

Miles "Thumbs" Power: Snifit: There... we finally built my mailbox higher than everyone elses'.
Miles "Thumbs" Power: Shy Guy: Ya know, we don't always have to be in Shy Stack formation.
Miles "Thumbs" Power: Snifit 1: Booster's so lazy. *grumble*
Miles "Thumbs" Power: Bottom Shy Guy: Alright, which one of you put on some extra pounds?
Miles "Thumbs" Power: Shy Guy near top: I should have used Preparation H.
Miles "Thumbs" Power: General guy's cruel punishment for failing... get the mail!

Ric.: Shy Guys: Why does the Big Lanturn Ghost need such a high mailbox?!

Brandon: Anti Guy: Come on gang! Or else we won't get the Paper Mario 2 we ordered! Move it MORONS!

Bobby: Snifit: Next, we'll go for the cookies on the counter!
Bobby: The Short Ones: Legend of the Tall Mailbox didn't hit stores.

Waluigi's Twin: Gray Snift: Come on, I may have already won one million dollars!
Waluigi's Twin: Red Shy Guy at Bottom: Why am I on the bottom? That's MY mailbox! **GOOD PRIZE**

Koopland: Snifit: I'd rather battle Kracko (from Kirby) than look for nothing, literally!

LittleBoo: Shy Guy #4: This is abusive! Why did Bowser do this to the mailbox? WAAAAAAAAAA! I could- Hey
LittleBoo: an invitation for a birthday party! YAY!!!

Hyper-Z: Who knew mail required so much skill? Because these Shy Guys don't!

Dasher Koopa: Snifit: I don't care that we probably only have mail in the smallest one! This mailbox has
Dasher Koopa: ROPES! YAY ROPES!

Anikiki: The Shy Guys and Snifit were fine with getting Gourmet Guy's mail everyday, until they spotted an
Anikiki: invoice about a Thanksgiving package. **GOOD PRIZE**

Sage of Light: Introducing the newest enemy of the Paper Mario series, the Snifit-Shy Stack!
Sage of Light: General Guy: Shy Stack, you are the biggest bunch of idiots I have ever seen!
Sage of Light: Chef Torte (off screen while looking at them): Mon Dieu, ist Bundt all oveir again, except zat
Sage of Light: you cannot eat it, vich ist bad...

Koopus: It was at this moment that the three Shy Guys and the Snifit finally realized why everyone was
Koopus: staring at them...
Koopus: Pink Shy Guy: Hey! Where are our belts?!
Koopus: Bottom Shy Guy: Whose bright idea was it to make our mailbox so high anyway?
Koopus: Second Shy Guy from the top: Someone stole the mountains' eyes again, POPPLE!!!

Yoshiguy: I gotta get the stupid mail!
Yoshiguy: Red: Come on!
Yoshiguy: Pink: I gotta go to the bathroom!
Yoshiguy: Gray: Can't REACH!


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