Mario 1
1-Up Mushroom: Mario gets an extra life.
? Block: Always holds an item.
Axe: Mario uses this item to chop down the bridge that I stand on. Talk about cheap! Found by Videogamerpat.
Block: Smashable. Could contain items.
Cloud: Found in bonus Coin Heaven areas. It's used for getting all the coins. Found by Ludwig 222.
Coin: 100 of these gives Mario an extra life. They can appear on the screen, in an item box, or in a speed box.
Drop Lift: Standing on this lift makes it drop. Found by Ludwig 222.
Elevator Lifts: Many lifts that go up or down. Usually found in underground areas or castles. Found by Ludwig 222.
Fire Flower: Turns Super Mario into Fire Mario. He can shoot fireballs.
Flagpole: Touch this to complete the stage. Found by Videogamerpat.
Invisible Block: Read it and weap! Just like the name suggests, it's a ? Block, only it's invisible until you hit it from below. It could contain anything a ? Block does. Found by wrench859.
Moving Lift: A platform that moves up and down or back and forth. Found by Ludwig 222.
Scale Lift: If you stand on one of the platforms of this two-platform "scale", the platform you're on falls while the other one rises. Found by Ludwig 222.
Spring: Allows Mario to jump higher.
Starman: Mario becomes invincible for a short period of time.
Super Mushroom: Turns Mario into Super Mario. He can break blocks and take an extra hit.
Vine: Takes Mario to special places.
Warp Pipe: Use this to warp Mario to another area, preferably to the DUMP! Found by Videogamerpat.
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