King Koopa's Item Chest

Mario Tennis (GBC)

1 Coin: This is a piece of currency used in Wario's mini-game. Hitting it is worth 5 points. Found by Miles "Thumbs" Power.

3 Coins: This is a group of three smaller coins in Wario's mini-game. Hitting it is worth 10 points. Found by Miles "Thumbs" Power.

Arrow Tiles: These tiles move around in the wall practice training course. The ball will go flying in the direction of the arrows it hits. Found by Miles "Thumbs" Power.

Chest: A treasure chest full of coins! It is used in Wario's mini-game. One hit gives you 100 points! Don't touch! Found by Miles "Thumbs" Power.

Coin Sack: A bag full of coins used in Wario's mini-game. Hitting one gives you 50 points. Found by Miles "Thumbs" Power.

Drive Racket: If you have your spin stat 5 more than your power when you join the varsity class, you receive this. You lose stroke and serve, but your spin increases by 3. Found by Miles "Thumbs" Power.

Fruit Tiles: These move around on a wall in Yoshi and DK's mini-games. If they are hit, they give a certain
amount of points. In Yoshi's mini-game, bananas are one point, apples are three points, and melons are five points. In DK's mini-game, bananas are one point and banana bunches are three points. Found by Zeus.

Gold Racket: Given to you by the water sprite. You lose volley and angle, but you gain stroke and serve. Found by Miles "Thumbs" Power.

Iron Racket: A training racket. Decreases serve, volley, and stroke, but you receive 1.5 times as many Exp. Points with it. Found by Zeus.

Iron Shoes: These are training shoes. They decrease speed, dash, reaction, and stop, but give you 1.5 times as many Exp. Points. Found by Zeus.

"L" Medallion: These are found in Waluigi's mini-game. Six appear at a time in Luigi's half of the court, and the goal is to hit as many as possible with one ball. You get 1 point for the first, 5 points for the second, 30 points for the third, 70 points for the fourth, 150 points for the fifth, and a whopping 250 points for the sixth. Found by Zeus.

Large Racket: This racket increases control, but decreases power and spin. Found by Zeus.

Light Shoes: Shoes that increase speed and dash but also slip, decreasing reaction and stop. Found by Zeus.

Normal Racket: The tennis racket you start off playing with. Does not affect status. Found by Zeus.

Normal Shoes: These are the shoes you begin with. They do not affect status. Found by Zeus.

Silver Racket: This racket decreases serve and stroke but increases volley, placement, and angle. Found by Zeus.

Small Racket: This is basically the opposite of Large Racket. Increases power and spin and decreases control. Found by Zeus.

Star: This is found in Luigi's mini-game. If it is hit, it gives a certain amount of points. After one star is hit, another star appears in another random area on the opponent's half of the court. Each consecutive time the star is hit, the points earned for it double. The points return to the base value when the star is missed. Found by Zeus.

Training Robot: The robot used in the training room in story mode and some mini-games. They shoot balls in random areas. Found by Miles "Thumbs" Power.

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