King Koopa's Item Chest

Super Mario 64 DS

Big Trampoline: Found in the "Trampoline Time" and "Trampoline Terror" mini-games. If one of the Marios reach the bottom of the screen, this "safety net" will bounce him up a bit. It breaks after three bounces, but I don't mind at all! Found by Hip.

Brick Block: These seem to have replaced crates from the original game. They usually contain either coins or some other lame-o item. Yoshi can't break them, so you'll need to get Wario or those pepperoni plumbers to break them instead. Found by Hip.

Black Bricks: Only Wario can break these, as the other guys are too weak. Found by Hip.

Cannonball: Found in the "Bob-omb Squad" mini-game. You must use the slingshot to launch cannonballs at the Bob-ombs and Lakitu. Found by Hip.

Card: Found in the Psyche Out mini-game! Can you guess what's on this card's other side? Mario can't! Found by Mario64.

Casino Coin: These look just like regular coins, only they're used to play Luigi's mini-games. In some mini-games you can increase your wager to try to win more. Found by Hip.

Character Head and Character Body: Found in the "Connect the Characters" mini-game. Guide a character head to its corresponding body by drawing lines. Found by Hip.

Coincentration Block: Found in the "Coincentration" and "Intense Coincentration" mini-games. Pay attention to which blocks have coins in them, because if you pick an empty block, it's game over! Found by Hip.

Coincentration Coin: Found in the "Coincentration" and "Intense Coincentration" mini-games. You must pay attention to the coins as they land in the blocks, and you must get as many as you can without messing up. Found by Hip.

Egg: If Yoshi swallows an enemy, he can turn it into an egg that he can throw. If he swallows a wooden box, the egg will be square. Found by Hip, square egg info by Bobby.

Feather: Found in certain ? Blocks, this Wing Cap replacement allows Mario to fly. Found by Hip.

Flower: In the "Bob-omb Squad" mini-game, there are four in all and you must protect them by destroying the Bob-ombs, which will otherwise destroy the flowers if they're not stopped. Why my army wants to destroy four measly flowers is beyond me. Found by Hip.

Flower Petals: Found in the "Love me?" mini-game. Pluck 'em off to find out how the crush feels about you! I betcha it will be "Loves me Not"! Found by Mario64.

Front Door Key: Unless Yoshi finds this, all hope is lost, as you'll never be able to enter the castle! Found by Hip.

Green Shell: In the "Shuffle Shell" mini-game you have five shells, and must slide as many as you can into the target, without trying to bounce any of the other shells away in order to score more points. In the "Shell Smash" mini-game you have five shells, and the objective is to hit as many other shells as possible in a single move. Try hitting any green shells that you've already used, as they're worth more points. Found by Hip.

Ice Block: The only way to destroy one of these is with Yoshi's fire breath. Found by Hip.

Luigi's Cap: This will make your character transform into a carbon copy of Luigi until you get hit. I wouldn't be caught dead with one of these. Found by Hip.

Luigi's Key: This will unlock the doors to the room where I've locked up Luigi. I suggest you keep him locked up. Found by Hip.

Mario's Cap: This will make your character transform into a carbon copy of Mario until you get hit. Why anyone would actually want to dress up as Mario is beyond me. Found by Hip.

Mario's Key: This will unlock the doors to the room where I've locked up Mario. If you find this key, destroy it! Found by Hip.

Mushroom: If you can find one of these, your character will grow huge! No fair! Found by Hip.

Mystery Room Key: If you actually manage to catch all eight of the shiny rabbits, they'll give you the key that unlocks the far right door in the character change room. I'm not telling you what's on the other side, though. Found by Hip.

Panel: Found in the "Puzzle Panel" and "Panel Panic" mini-games. You must make the panels on the bottom screen match the ones on the top. Touch a panel to flip it and the surrounding panels over. I don't expect you to get very far. Found by Hip.

Pachinko Ball: Found in the "Bingo Ball" and "Slots Shot" mini-games. Using a launcher, you must use pachinko balls to rack up as many points as you can. Found by Hip.

Playing Cards: Many of Luigi's mini-games involve cards and have their own separate rules. I bet Luigi rigs the deck in order to win. Found by Hip.

Poltergust 3000: Found in the "Hide and Boo Seek" mini-game. You use it by rubbing the stylus on the touch screen to shine light on Boos in a pitch black room. Found by Hip.

Power Flower: Found in certain ? Blocks, this flower will activate your character's special ability. Found by Hip.

Psychic Cards: Found in the "Psyche Out" mini-game. Try to guess which card on the bottom screen matches the one on the top screen. If you look very closely at the top card, you can sometimes make out a very faint outline of the symbol. Found by Hip.

Rec Room Key: If you can catch a certain type of rabbit, he'll give you a key that will unlock a particular game in the rec room. Found by Hip.

Red Shell: Found in the "Shuffle Shell" mini-game. You must slide green shells into these so that they ricochet off of each other and rack up points. Found by Hip.

Rock: Found in Snowball Slalom and Giant Snowball Slalom. Watch out for it! Found by Mario64.

Silver Star: If you can find all five Silver Stars in a level, a Power Star will appear. Found by Hip.

Slingshot: Found in the "Bob-omb Squad" and "Lakitu Launch" mini-games. Use the stylus to pull back and aim either cannonballs or Spiny Eggs. Found by Hip.

Slot Mushroom: Found in the "Slots Shot" mini-game. Every time you hit one of these, you'll get 300 points. Found by Hip.

Slot Pipe: Found in the "Slots Shot" mini-game. If a ball falls down the pipe, you'll get 3000 points! Oh whoopee. Found by Hip.

Slot Switch: Found in the "Slots Shot" mini-game. Hitting this will trigger a slot machine, with a chance to win millions! Okay, not millions, but plenty of points. Found by Hip.

Snowball: Found in the "Snowball Slalom" and "Giant Snowball Slalom" mini-games. Roll the snowball down the path to the finish by rubbing the touch screen with the stylus, but don't hit any obstacles! Found by Hip.

Sound Chest: Found in the "Boom Box" mini-game. Open a chest and you'll hear a sound. You'll have to use trial and error in order to find the chest with the matching sound. Found by Hip.

Spiny Egg: Found in the "Lakitu Lanch" mini-game. Using the slingshot, you must launch as many Spiny Eggs as you can into the Lakitu Tubs within the time limit. Found by Hip.

Star Sphere: Once you've found five Silver Stars, the Power Star will appear inside the Star Sphere. Found by Hip.

Star Switch: Press it and a Power Star will appear in a Star Sphere for a limited time. Of course, I don't expect any of those so-called good guys to actually make it to the Star in time. Found by Hip.

Trampoline: Found in the "Trampoline Time" and "Trampoline Terror" mini-games. They won't appear unless you draw a line with the stylus. The Marios must bounce off of the trampolines continuously to keep airborne. You can have up to three trampolines on screen at once, and they disappear once a Mario bounces off of one. Found by Hip.

Wanted Poster: Used in the "Wanted" mini-game. Look on the regular screen for who's wanted. Then look on the touch screen and touch the matching face. Look at my bounty on Mario! Found by Kirby wearing Mario's cap.

Wario's Cap: This will make your character transform into a carbon copy of Wario until you get hit. Found by Hip.

Wario's Key: This will unlock the doors to the room where I've locked up Wario. If Wario really wants to get out, why doesn't he just pick the lock? Found by Hip.

? Block: These hold power-ups, but are transparent until you activate them. Found by Hip.

? Switch: If you press this, all the transparent ? Blocks will be filled in. Found by Hip.

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