King Koopa's Item Chest

Yoshi Topsy-Turvy

Abacus Beads: Tilt your Gameboy and these beads will zoom across the screen, carrying Yoshi if he is standing on one. Found by Choccy Koopa.

Apple: Swallow apples to free the Egglings. Found by Green Yoshi.

Balloons: These can carry different items in the game, usually coins or apples. Found by Choccy Koopa.

Big Finish Star: When Yoshi touches this, you know the level is completed. A small fanfare will play. Found by Choccy Koopa.

Big Heart: Eat this and refill you health completely. Found by Green Yoshi.

Bombs: Found in few levels, when these items collide with something else, they give off a big explosion. Found by Choccy Koopa.

Boulder: When Yoshi is riding on this, tiit left or right to make it move. It can carry Yoshi over the spikey floors. It can also crush enemies. Found by Kammy.

Checkpoint Ring: These look like several stars spinning around in a circle, and when Yoshi touches them, a new part of the level will appear. Found by Choccy Koopa.

Coin: Get 100 coins to get a 1-Up. Coins can also help you beat a mission. Found by Green Yoshi.

Green Platform: Tilt your Gameboy to make this go from left to right to help Yoshi reach his goal. Found by Choccy Koopa.

Heart: Eat hearts to get more health. Found by Green Yoshi.

Music Ball: Found on a level with multicolored keys, roll this over the giant xylophone to make a delightful tune. Found by Choccy Koopa.

Music Note: When the music ball rolls over one of the brightly colored keys, a red, yellow, or blue music note will fly up. Yoshi can use them to reach higher places. Found by Choccy Koopa.

Rusty Platform: If Yoshi stays on this for too long, it will break, and Yoshi will fall. It will also fall if you tilt it too far. Found by Choccy Koopa.

Snowball: Roll this down a hill in a snowy level and it will get bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Found by Choccy Koopa.

Spinning Spikey Wheel: When Yoshi rides on this thing that looks like a high speed Ferris Wheel, any enemies who touch the balls will be defeated. Found by Kammy.

Wrecking Ball: Help Yoshi clear the way by tilting your Gameboy at a steady pace to smash the bricks. Wrecking balls can also be used to reach higher places. Found by Choccy Koopa.

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