Go see the original story.
As soon as Kamek left to find the missing baby, the baby landed on a Yoshi. The Yoshi brought the baby back to the Yoshi tribe while trying to figure out what was going on.
Yoshi: I think this little one came from that castle up there.
A Red Yoshi: How can we all get there? It will take a long time.
Yoshi: This island is inhabited by us, but we're not the only ones here.
A Blue Yoshi: I got an idea! One of us will bring this little one up, then we or our freinds will do the rest.
Some of the Yoshies left and covered most parts of the island.
A Yellow Yoshi: Meet you back on some part of the island!
As soon as the first Yoshi went past all the enemies left by Kamek, he passed baby Mario to another Yoshi, and every time when baby Mario was crying, some of the Yoshies fed him Yoshi Berries. When one Yoshi reached Kamek's castle, Baby Bowser was asleep, and Kamek was trying to wake him up.
Kamek: Bowser, your highness, the Yoshies are here and trying to hurt you, wake up!
Baby Bowser: Deal with it!
Kamek: But your highness!
As soon as Baby Bowser woke up, he stomped Kamek and kicked the flat magician away.
Kamek: Ow! Ow! Ow!
Kamek popped back into his form.
Baby Bowser: Wow, a little gween donkey!
Yoshi: No, I'm a Yoshi, and it's green, not gween!
Kamek: What you're doing is destroying the Koopa Kingdom, and we will not allow you to do that!
Baby Bowser: We?
Kamek: Yes, we!
Baby Bowser: I don't think so!
Baby Bowser then started to attack Yoshi, but he kept losing. When Baby Bowser lost, Kamek put a spell on Baby Bower which made him grow. Baby Bowser grew until he was bigger than his castle. Unfortunately, Baby Bowser still lost, and the stork carried the two babies away.
The End
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