Yoshi's Wicked Cool RPG Adventure

Finished by Waluigi's Twin, originally by MetalYoshi

Go see the original story.

Chapter 3: Change to the Power of Infinity!

Yoshi and his friends have set up a little campsite in Mr. Blizzard's Icy Fahr Frozen Chilly Snowflake Lair-Type Lake Falls Area of Coldness.

Yoshi: It’s been MUCH over two weeks already!  When are we going to continue this quest, adventure, or whatever this thing is?!

Meek, Pitiful, Strange Voice: Hey, listen up! The next Star Thingy is-

Shawn: Wait, you’re not Metal! Who are you?

Meek, Pitiful, Strange Voice: Name’s Marluigi, but you can call me “Waluigi’s Twin”, “WT”, or “Your Most Honorableness”.

Shawn: Let’s stick with WT.

WT: Fine, be that way.  Anyways, Metal is a bit... occupied at the moment.


MetalYoshi: Let’s see... I’ve got it! I’ll make a sci-fi remix of the Mario Party 7 Opening Music! I’m such a... wait, that won’t work. Last time I tried a sci-fi remix of anything, those guys in the tin foil hats sent me a bunch of angry Emails. So... I’ll do a disco remix of the opening music instead! Metal, you’re such a genius, even if you DO talk to yourself!

Back to Yoshi...

WT: Anyways, I’ll be taking over until he gets back. So, could you fill me in on what I’m supposed to do?

Yoshi: Well, you should start off by making an idiotic joke, as you’ve already done with that scene of Metal. Then, you tell us where to get the next Star Thingy, and provide us with some random items and a mode of transportation.  After that, you just have to sit back and wait until we find the Thingy, as you will have to create a semi-imaginative boss we have to battle. Repeat that process for about two more chapters, and unless a plot twist occurs, that’s about it.

WT: Thanks.  So... where do you want the next Thingy to be?

Shawn: You’re asking US?!

WT: Well, yeah. Why send you to someplace that you’ll be completely miserable in?

Shawn: ... Pinch me, I must be dreaming!

Kam thwacks Shawn with his staff.

Shawn: Thanks, I needed that.

Yoshi: Let’s see... as the main character, I think I should choose our next destination.

WT: Sure, whatever.

Yoshi: Well, how about something futuristic, with a lot of advanced technology?

WT: Sounds cool. Okay, let’s see what I can do...

After a slight pause, a time machine appears in front of the group. A door on it opens, and a Wrench Guy stumbles out.

Wrench Guy: D000000000000000000D!

Yoshi: Let me guess; after some slight introductions, he tells us what happened that caused the Thingy to appear in the futuristic location it currently is, and then joins our party to help get it back?

WT: Exactly.

Shawn: Oh, come on! There’s already ONE kind of Guy in this story already!

WT: Didn’t you hear Metal say that he never specified you as the Shy Guy Yoshi saved?

Shawn: ... Good point.

Wrench Guy: (3/\/ 1 5P3Ak /\/ 0\/\/?!

Kam: Great; not only is he from the future, he's speaking leet!

Wrench Guy: L33T r0xx0rz!

Yoshi: Whatever. Can you just tell us what happened?

Wrench Guy: /\/\Y /\/a/\/\3 1z (arl! 1 a/\/\ fr0/\/\ t3h futtur3z! 1 uz3 t3h Fuz10/\/ p0\/\/3rz t0 v1z1t t3h pazt!

Kam: Translation?

Shawn: He’s named Carl, he’s from the future, and he used Fusion Power to visit the past. Lucky for you, I took foreign and stupid languages as my major in college.

Carl: 1 (a/\/\3 t0 f1/\/D t3h Th1/\/gy b-4 1t 1s 5t3alz0r3d Bi t3h Shr00bz0rz!

Shawn: He came to get the Star Thingy before it’s stolen by the Shroobs.

Yoshi: Shroobs? I thought they were all defeated by Mario and Luigi way back in the past.

Carl: /\/0 th3y 1sn’t! 0/\/3 st1ll 3x1stz3rz! H1s /\/am3 1s Shr00b1g1!

Shawn: Apparently, there’s one Shroob that still exists, and its name is... Shroobigi?!

Carl: Y3s! Shr00b1g1! H3 1s g01ng t0 st3al t3h Th1/\/gy a/\/d us3 1t t0 rul3z0rz!

Shawn: Yes, his name is Shroobigi, and he’s going to use the Star Thingy to take over the world.

Kam: Well, if this guy knows so much, can he tell us where the Star Thingy actually IS?

Carl: Y3s! 1t’s 1/\/ t3h Fa(t0ry 0f /\/\3/\/a(l/\/g D3v1(es!

Shawn: It’s in... the Factory of Menacing Devices.

Yoshi: Well, let’s go!

(arl... I mean, Carl has joined your party! As he is from the future, he knows about certain things before they happen... though he can’t tell you about who will win the lottery or anything like that.

WT: And, before I forget, I believe Metal forgot to do this...

Yoshi levels up! His max HP is 35, and he can now use Belch!

Yoshi: ... Belch?!

WT: Okay, so I’m not inspired to give you better attacks at the moment! Just go out and stop Shroobigi!

Yoshi: ... Fine.

Carl: /\/\y /\/\a(h1n3 als0 \/\/0rks a5 A (ar, s0 \/\/3 (a/\/ dr1V3 t0 t3h Fa(t0ry!

Shawn: We can use his Time Machine as a car to get there quickly!

Yoshi: Excellent!


Yoshi: So... anyone know how to drive a car?

Kam: I can!

Yoshi: Good. Now, since that’s settled, let’s go!

Later, once Kam has driven the team to the Factory of Menacing Devices...

Yoshi: I think we should split up into teams. Kam, you and I will charge in right through the front doors, battling any guards in our path. Shawn and Carl, you two will sneak through the air ducts and try to find the Thingy before Shroobigi arrives. Agreed?

Kam and Shawn: Agreed!

Carl: AgR33d!

The two teams split up. Yoshi and Kam charge in right through the front door, and find three Koopatrols on guard.

Koopatrol #1: Halt! Nobody is allowed in here!

Kam: But we’ve come to protect the Star Thingy before some kind of monster steals it!

Koopatrol #2: Yeah, right! Sorry, but when we say nobody, we mean NOBODY!

Yoshi: Then what are YOU doing here?


Koopatrol #3: He has a point.  Let’s go, boys!

The three Koopatrols leave, and the two good guys sneak on past. Back with Shawn and Carl, they’ve successfully snuck into the factory. They have recently left the air ducts, and are currently in the middle of the factory. Shawn picks up what looks like a toaster from the ground.

Shawn: Interesting; why do you think they call this place the “Factory of MENACING Devices”? I mean, how menacing can a toaster like this be?

The toaster suddenly grows a mouth and tries to bite Shawn.

Carl: D03s th/\t an5\/\/3r y0ur qu3st10/\/?!?

Shawn drops the toaster, which then grows four feet and a pair of eyes. It then charges at the two, ready to attack.

Carl: (a/\/ \/\/3 f1ght \/\/1th0ut Y05h1?
Shawn: It’s already happened to me once, so don’t worry.

Shawn: 25/25
Attack: Tattle
Shawn: Apparently, that’s a Living Toaster. It’s quite creepy. It has 20 HP, no defence, and an attack of... 7? Oh well, we should be able to handle this.

Carl: 30/30
Attack: Punch
Living Toaster takes 3 damage.

Living Toaster: 17/20
Attack: Burnt Toast
Carl takes 7 damage.
Carl: D00d! H3 thr3\/\/ t0a5t /\t /\/\3!

Shawn: 25/25
Attack: Double Smack
Living Toaster takes 5 damage.
Living Toaster takes 5 damage.
Shawn: Double the smacks, double the damage!

Carl: 23/30
Attack: Mimic
Carl used Burnt Toast!
Living Toaster takes 7 damage.
Carl takes out a book and writes something in it.
Living Toaster is defeated!

*Shawn and Carl win! They get 50 EXP each!*

Shawn: So, you can copy an enemy’s attack in battle and use it against them?

Carl: Y3ah, 1t r0xx0rz!

Shawn and Carl head further into the factory. Meanwhile, Yoshi and Kam manage to find an old elevator.

Yoshi: I bet the Star Thingy is at the bottom!

Kam: Why would you say that?

Yoshi: First, I have an extraordinary sense of deduction. It would take a normal mind hours to find what I can in minutes. And second, there’s a giant sign over the elevator that says, “STAR THINGY AT BOTTOM”.

Kam: ... Man, how did I miss that?

Yoshi: Come on; let’s get in.

Yoshi and Kam get into the elevator and ride it to the bottom of the factory. However, there’s a giant television set with fangs waiting for them.

Yoshi: Oh snap.

Kam: Well, at least we know why this place is called “The Factory of MENACING Devices”.

The giant television charges towards the two.


Yoshi: 30/30
Attack: Belch
Monster Television takes 5 damage.
Monster Television looks stunned.
Yoshi: My breath isn’t THAT bad!

Kam: 25/25
Attack: ? Block Bash
A giant ? Block lands on top of Monster Television.
Monster Television takes 10 damage.
A Mushroom pops out of the ? Block.
Kam: Three cheers for free items!

Monster Television: x-15/x
Monster Television is too stunned to attack!
Yoshi: ... Okay, so maybe my breath is worse than I thought...

Yoshi: 30/30
Attack: Egg Roll
Monster Television takes 10 damage.

Kam: 25/25
Magic: Freeze
Monster Television takes 10 damage.
Monster Television is in a giant ice cube!

Monster Television: x-35/x
Monster Television is frozen! 4 turns.
Yoshi: At this rate, he won’t land a single hit on us!

Yoshi: 30/30
Attack: Stomp
Monster Television takes 5 damage.

Kam: 25/25
Attack: Thwack
Monster Television takes 5 damage.
Monster Television is defeated!

Yoshi and Kam win! They gain... let’s see, carry the two... well, they’re one EXP point from levelling up again.

Yoshi: Remind me never to buy a new VCR from this place.

Kam: Agreed.

Yoshi and Kam start to explore the basement of the factory. Meanwhile, at the other end of the factory, Shawn and Carl have made it to the basement themselves. After some time, they find a cell phone lying on the ground. Shawn is about to pick it up, but stops.

Shawn: Oh no; they’re not fooling ME again!

Shawn kicks the phone, causing it to glow in an evil aura.

Shawn: I knew it!

Shawn: 25/25
Attack: Tattle
Shawn: It’s a Frightening Phone. Apparently, even the smallest gadget in this factory is evil. It has 17 HP, a defence of 1, and an attack power of 2. At least this will be easier to beat than the toaster.

Carl: 23/30
Attack: Punch
Frightening Phone takes 2 damage.

Frightening Phone: 15/17
Attack: Tackle
Carl takes 2 damage.

Shawn: 25/25
Attack: Double Slap
Frightening Phone takes 4 damage.
Frightening Phone takes 4 damage.

Carl: 21/30
Attack: Memory
Carl takes out his book and reads it.
Carl remembers Burnt Toast and uses it!
Frightening Phone takes 7 damage.
Frightening Phone is defeated!

Shawn and Carl win! They gain 49 EXP each!

Shawn: So, after you mimic a move, you can do it whenever you want?

Carl: \/\/3ll, duh!

Shawn and Carl continue through the factory. After some more exploring, the two teams meet up in the middle of the basement. They spot the Star Thingy in a giant machine that’s powering the factory, and try to remove it.

Yoshi: This... thing... isn’t... budging!

Shawn: Maybe you should press that button by your foot which says “EJECT THINGY”?

Yoshi: ... Yeah, that sounds good.

Yoshi presses the button, and the Star Thingy pops out of the machine. All of the evil machines that have been brought to life go back to being inanimate objects.

Yoshi: Well, I guess that almost wraps things up.  Now, we just have to get out of here before that Shroobigi guy comes.

Strange Voice: #&*$^ #$%^ #*^%@#*! (Translation: Too late!)

A Shroob that looks almost EXACTLY like Luigi approaches the group.

Shroobigi: ^&*^ &*$^&^*^$ $**^*$# ^*#$^ % @#^@ (*^#(@^ ^#^&^$*&%^*&%^!  (Translation: I’m gonna take that Thingy, and use it to revive my Shroob brethren!)

Yoshi: Not on my watch!

Yoshi and Shawn charge towards the Shroob version of Mario’s older brother.


Yoshi: 30/30
Attack: Egg Roll
Shroobigi takes 8 damage.

Shawn: 25/25
Attack: Tattle
Shawn: That’s Shroobigi, an alien that looks a lot like Luigi. He has 25 HP max, a defence of 2, and an attack of 4. Something tells me that there’s more to this fight than it seems...

Shroobigi: 17/25
Attack: Stomp
Yoshi takes 4 damage.

Yoshi: 26/30
Attack: Belch
Shroobigi takes 3 damage.
Shroobigi looks stunned.
Yoshi: I’m running low on FP...

Shawn: 25/25
Item: Power Flower
Yoshi gains 10 FP
Shawn: That’s our last one!
Yoshi: How did we even get our FIRST one?!

Shroobigi: 14/25
Shroobigi is too stunned to attack!

Yoshi: 26/30
Attack: Egg Roll
Shroobigi takes 8 damage.

Shawn: 25/25
Tactic: Switch
Carl is now fighting.
Carl: 1 \/\/1ll r0xx0r y0u!

Shroobigi: 6/25
Attack: Stomp
Yoshi takes 4 damage.

Yoshi: 22/30
Attack: Stomp
Shroobigi takes 3 damage.

Carl: 21/30
Attack: Punch
Shroobigi takes 1 damage.

Shroobigi: 2/25
Attack: Summon Shroobario
Shroobigi throws a purple mushroom onto the ground, which turns into Shroobario!
Yoshi: ... This isn’t too good.

Yoshi: 22/30
Attack: Egg Roll
Shroobario takes 10 damage.
Yoshi: Well, now I can’t do FP moves until after the battle.

Carl: 21/30
Attack: Mimic
Carl used Egg Roll
Shroobario takes 10 damage.
Carl takes out a book and writes something in it.
Carl: 1 (a/\/ (0py /\/\y fr13/\/d’s /\tta(ks, t00!

Shroobigi: 2/25
Attack: Stomp
Carl takes 4 damage.

Shroobario: x-20/x
Attack: Stomp
Yoshi takes 4 damage.

Yoshi: 18 /30
Item: Mushroom
Yoshi regains 10 HP.
Yoshi: It’s the same Mushroom I got from the ? Block, too.

Carl: 21 /30
Tatics: Switch
Shawn is now fighting again.

Shroobigi: 2/25
Attack: Stomp
Shawn superguards.
Shawn takes 0 damage.

Shroobario: x-20/x
Attack: Stomp
Yoshi blocks.
Yoshi takes 3 damage.

Yoshi: 25/30
Attack: Stomp
Shroobigi takes 3 damage.
Shroobigi is defeated!

Shawn: 25/25
Attack: Tattle
Shawn: That’s Shroobario, Shroobigi’s older brother. Shroobario looks a lot like Mario, except that he’s an alien. He’s got a max of 50 HP, no defense, and an attack of 4. His attack and defense increase by 1 after he pulls out his Shroob Mallet. I TOLD you that there was more to this fight!

Shroobario: 30/50
Attack: Double Stomp
Yoshi takes 4 damage.
Yoshi takes 4 damage.

Yoshi: 17/30
Attack: Stomp
Shroobario takes 5 damage.

Shawn: 25/25
Tactic: Switch
Kam is now fighting.

Shroobario: 25/50
Attack: Shroob Mallet
Shroobario’s Attack and Defense increase by 1.

Yoshi: 17/30
Attack: Stomp
Shroobario takes 4 damage.

Kam: 25/25
Attack: ? Block Bash
A giant ? Block lands on top of Shroobario
Shroobario takes 9 damage.
A Power Flower pops out of the ? Block.
Yoshi: Yes! I can gain back my FP!

Shroobario: 12/50
Attack: Mallet Smash
Yoshi blocks.
Yoshi takes 4 damage.

Yoshi: 13/30
Item: Power Flower
Yoshi regains 10 FP.

Kam: 25/25
Attack: Thwack
Shroobario takes 4 damage.

Shroobario: 8/50
Attack: Quadruple Mallet Smash
Kam takes 5 damage.
Kam takes 5 damage.
Kam takes 5 damage.
Kam takes 5 damage.
Kam: Ouch times four!

Yoshi: 13/30
Attack: Egg Roll
Yoshi: It’s time to finish this!
Shroobario blocks.
Shroobario takes 8 damage.
Shroobario is defeated!

Yoshi wins! He gains 75 EXP and I don’t care that he already leveled up this chapter!
Yoshi’s max HP is 35, and he can now use Group Egg Roll!
Shawn, Kam, and Carl level up!
hawn's max HP is 30, and he can now use Hammer Strike!
Kam's max HP is 30, and he can now use Mega versions of all spells (except DIE DIE DIE DIE)!
Carl’s max HP is 35, and he can now use All Your Base!

Yoshi: So... I can Egg Roll multiple targets, Shawn can use Shroobario’s dropped mallet to attack, Kam’s spells get an attack boost, and Carl can use his leet-speaking powers as an attack? Cool.

Shawn: I don’t get why “DIE DIE DIE DIE” can’t be used anymore, though.

WT: Isn’t it obvious? If a spell like that was to get into the wrong hands, we could have a serious dilemma! The entire party would be dead in seconds, and the world will be plunged into chaos!

Shawn: Good point.

WT: I thought you’d see it my way. Now Yoshi, I think it’s time for that whole “You-grabbed-the-Star-Thingy” routine, right?

Yoshi: Right.

Yoshi picks up the Star Thingy that was dropped during the battle with the Shroobario Brothers, and the tune plays.

WT: Our heroes have completed at least half of their spectacular adventure. Will they be able to find all five before something terrible happens? Will Carl manage to use his way of communication for good or evil with his new attack? Will MetalYoshi ever find the best way to remix music from Mario Party 7, or any other Mario Party for that matter? The only way to find out is to-

Carl: 5t/\y tu/\/3d!

WT: Hey, that’s MY line!

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