Game & Watch Gallery 3 Review

By Lakitu 2000

Scoring Note: Thus game is graded on a scale of seven. Some grades will have two ratings, one for Classic mode and one for Modern mode. M stands for modern, C for classic.

About the Game: Game & Watch games are almost not Mario games at all. They are mini-games that are played the same way as in Mario Party. The game has two modes, Modern and Classic. Classic mode is the original mode from the 80's games. They have poor graphics because the people are stickmen and there is no background ect. Modern mode is a recreation of the games from classic mode. They have standerd graphics and have switched the characters from stickmen to Mario characters. There are five games that you start with. Each game has the same difficulty. In the games you get points for beating enemies, collecting items, ect. When you get to 200 points you get a star. Stars can be exchanged for other games (Classic only) and some cool facts about other Game & Watch games.

Graphics: M 5, C 2

The graphics are standard gameboy graphics in the Modern mode. The graphics from Classic mode, however, are from the original Game & Watch series and are pretty lame.

Difficulty: M 6, C 7

The difficulty in both games is very high. As you start playing the games the difficulty is at about one but as you progress the difficulty skyrockets. The only reason why the difficulty is higher in Classic mode is
because the characters and layout of the game are always harder.

Story line: N/A

There is no story line! The game is a bunch a mini-games!

Environments: 2

There are not very good environments in the game because once again these are mini-games and mini-games are not meant to have environments.

Ending: 5

The ending is a basic ending with the credits, some images, ect., but since it has some pretty funny images, it gets a higher ranking.

Replay Value: 7

The game never ends! Keep getting your score higher and higher and there's not telling what will happen!

Fun Factor!: M 5, C 3

Modern is more fun because there is more added to the game, such as Mario characters, backgrounds, and level enhacements, that will give an added touch to the game. The Classic mode can get pretty good but it is very slow and has very little life.

Extras: 7

This game is compatible with Super Gameboy and the link cable for one of the bonus games. It must get a 7 becuase there are no other Mario games that I can think of that link up on Gameboy.

Overall: 5

This is a really good game because it's not like almost all the other Mario games becuase it's not an adventure game.


If you have an old Game & Watch game and you like the game then you might want to get this game. if you have a Game & Watch game and you hate it you still might want to get this game because it is far more advanced and it's very fun! If you have never heard about Game & Watch games but you like mini-games then you would probobly want this game. I think this is one of those "rent first" games but if you have already played Game & Watch Gallery 1 and 2 then you will love Game & Watch Gallery 3.

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