Sonic Shuffle Review

By Error 404

Reviews will be based 1 to 5, since there are 5 Boards in this Party Game. And if you don't know this game very well, I suggest you to search the Internet for 'Sonic Shuffle', because there isn't much information in this Review.  Sonic Shuffle is for Dreamcast.

Graphics: While the board and the background was 3D, Sonic characters are more cartoony, using the cell-shade-technique thingie. But hey, characters would be much better if they were in Sonic Adventure Graphics! 3.

Story: First, Sonic and friends suddenly transport into the world called Maginaryworld. Second, alien-seeming villain Void shatters a jewel called Precious Stone, resulting in chaos. So Sonic and friends need to get the shattered Precious Stones, with help from an angel-like-creature Lumina Flowlight. It is ok, but it is too imaginary. Though, the story is better than the average games... :) 4.

Characters: There are 4 main characters- Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy. 4 unlockable characters are Gamma, Chao, Super Sonic, and Big. Each character has its special effect, making the games fun. The only flaw is people might say 'Why are there only 4 characters?' before unlocking the secret characters. 5.

Boards: There are 5 boards: Emerald Coast, Fire Bird, Nature Zone, Riot Train, and Fourth Dimensional Space. The bad things are- First, there are only 5 boards. Second, they are too large, and I can't keep track of them. The good things are- First, their graphics are wonderful. Second, the ideas were creative. There are too many pros and cons about it, so I have to give an average score. 3.

Minigames: The minigame setups are really funny- and they look great at first glance. But when you actually PLAY the minigames, you will find them to be hard, due to the confusing rules and bad AIs. 3.

Gameplay: You pick a card to move the spaces (5 card for 5 spaces). The objective of this game is to earn as many Precious Stones as possible. You get rings from winning a minigame, landing on a blue space, etc. You lose rings from losing a minigame, landing on a red space, etc. You think this sounds fine now? Well, here is where the trouble starts. If you land on the event space, you play a minigame. But since you have to land on this space to play a minigame, there won't be too many minigames in Sonic Shuffle, which is bad. Sometimes the event will appear instead, and you either get a good or bad effect on it. Nice, but I think it would be better if there was a separate space that starts the event. If you land on the battle space, you have to battle with a monster- but with cards. The monster has a card, and you can win by having the same or higher number. If you win, you get a Forcejewel (explained later) and get to steal rings, but if you lose, you lose half of your rings. Though this idea is nice, it would be nicer if I didn't lose too many rings from the battle. When you land on the same place as your opponent, you duel. There is only one duel minigame, and some of the loser's coins go to the winner. Nice again, but it would be better with more minigames. When you land on the Precious Stone space, it is same as the battle space except you get a Precious Stone if you win. Yay! The gameplay is quite nice, so I have to give a good score! 4.

Forcejewel: This is basically the item in Sonic Shuffle. Good thing is- they could be really helpful. Bad thing is- First, the effects of it is too BIZZARE. Like things as 'Make other player move 1 Space for their next 5 turns!' Is it too crazy? What's more, it isn't rare! Bizarre items should only be rare. Second, their names don’t make sense. Names like Speederald (using 2 cards) could be understandable, but names like 'Geasdain'? People might say 'What the -filtered word-? What does this do?!" 2.

AI: The main flaw of this game. First, in the minigames, AI is too powerful, even on the Easy difficulty. I couldn't beat them in the minigame where you have to run right before the bomb explodes! When I run, the other AI quickly runs right after, making me lose! Not fair! Second, they cheat on the gameplay even on Easy! They always steal the best cards, and they always steal coins from me, and they always go to the Precious Stone spaces first! Not fair, again! 1.

Fun Factor: I have to mark it differently, for playing alone and together. For alone, since the AIs cheat on you, you could lose the whole game. 2. For playing together, since there would be no AIs it gets a better score. 4.

Final Decision: Rounded down, the score is 3/5. Although this game was rated low by me, you should play if your friends are all serious Sonic fans and want to party. If they are not really Sonic fans and they want to party, play Mario Party instead.

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