Starter Deck 3

Long Shot - 60 coins

Deck List

Monty Mole (10)
Harry Hedgehog (3)
Jabit (7)
Bowyer (4)
Prisoners of War (7)
Ground Energy (20)
Air Energy (19)

Card Spoilers

Name: Monty Mole
HP: 40
Evolution Stage: Basic Minion
Minion Type: Ground
Attack 1: G Dig-10.
Attack 2: GGG Sneak Attack-20.  This attack can be used on any enemy target.
Card Number: 67/116
Rarity Symbol: Common

Name: Harry Hedgehog
HP: 80
Evolution Stage: Stage 1-Evolves from Monty Mole
Minion Type: Ground
Attack 1: GG Slash-20.
Attack 2: GGG Undermine-This attack does damage equal to half the remaining HP of the target, rounded down to the nearest 10.
Card Number: 68/116
Rarity Symbol: Rare

Name: Jabit
HP: 30
Evolution Stage: Basic Minion
Minion Type: Air
Attack 1: A Target Practice-10. Flip a coin. If heads, this attack may be used on any enemy target.
Attack 2: AA Jab-20.
Card Number: 14/50
Rarity Symbol: Common

Name: Bowyer
HP: 60
Evolution Stage: Stage 1-Evolves from Jabit
Minion Type: Air
Attack 1: AA Magic Buttons-Flip a coin. If heads, the opponent may not play any Energy cards. If tails, he or she may not play any Spells.  This effect lasts until the end of your opponent's next turn.
Attack 2: AAA Arrow Rain-This attack does 10 damage to every target in the adjoining land you are attacking.
Card Number: 15/50
Rarity Symbol: Uncommon

Name: Prisoners of War
Location: Occupied Lands
Function: No Minions can move in or out of this land until the end of your next turn.
Card Number: 96/116
Rarity Symbol: Uncommon

Deck Strategy

The goal of this deck is to begin the assault right away. Slap down Monty Mole and three Ground Energies, and slam your unprepared opponent with 20 damage. Or play Jabit and one Air Energy, and cross your fingers for 10 damage.

Prisoners of War is to help hold off your opponent. If enemy Minions are in an adjoining land to yours, you lose your advantage. Not to mention that Jabit and Monty Mole have only 30 and 40 HP respectively.

Ultimately, you want to delay your opponent's advance until you can get out Harry Hedgehog or Bowyer. These Minions trade the long-distance ability for more significant attack power.

This deck requires caution and a little card-drawing luck. However, any opponent who opens the game with weak Minions could be completely prevented from getting beyond that stage of gameplay.

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