Short Strategies: Page 7

Pokey + Parapet + Reverse Mushroom, by Gloria.

Ahem. After studying all of my cards and some Buildings and Spells, a strategy crossed my mind. Okay... first, play a Parapet and a Pokey in a land you want to protect from your opponent. Use "Spike Ball" on intruders. Pokey loses no HP due to... Parapet! If Pokey is a victim of attack, use "Grow Back". Then use Reverse Mushroom to bring the Energy and two other cards to the top of your deck.

This strategy is good for "protection" decks, which include cards like Jelectro, though they make you take a risk of lowering your offenses.

Draining Resources + Midnight Raid, by Tail Koopa.

Draining Resources forces you and your opponent to discard all of the Energy cards from your hands. This card may sounds like it's a waste, but maybe not. How about this? You have no Energy cards in your hand and your opponent has some cards in their hand. If you have no Energy cards in your hand but you have Draining Resources, use that card. Your opponent probably has some Energy cards, and they will have to throw them away. Neat, huh? Take that time to attack their Minions before they get some more Energy cards. But wait, your opponent may have a heavy hitter or their trump card in play. However, if you have Midnight Raid in your hand, use it against that Minion, and that Minion will be useless. Since your opponent doesn't have any Energy cards because of Draining Resources, you can attack their trump card or heavy hitter and knock out that Minion. Your opponent might be vulnerable. Then use that time to knock out the other Minions, get cards you need, and invade lands while your opponent struggles to get his strategy back together.

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