Simple Decks: Easy Wins
Lemmy Koopa

Time now for an article on deck strategy.  The biggest fault I find in players of games like this one is that their decks are too complex.  These players are unstoppable if they draw a perfect hand, but most of the time they lose without getting the cards they need.  This article will suggest ways to keep your deck simple and successful.

Be wary of evolved Minions.  Although these are the strongest and most useful attackers, it is dangerous to rely on them because in order to use them you must draw both the unevolved and evolved forms.  You must keep the unevolved form alive while you wait to evolve it.  And since evolved Minions are often uncommon or rare, you can only put a few in your deck, further decreasing the odds of drawing it.    If you choose to use evolved Minions, you should also have a bunch of independent basics so you are not totally reliant on that big guy.  Also consider Spells, Buldings, and other Minions that can help you get the evolved form in play faster.

Keep your Minions within one or two types.  Most decks have Energy shortages, and you don't want to aggravate the problem.  Remember that if you have Plant, Fire, and Water Minions, you need to make room as part of your 70 cards for Plant, Fire, and Water Energy.  It's also terrible when you need Water Energy for your Jonathan "Johnny" Jones but all you can draw is Plant Energy.  It's hard to get solid Minions from only one or two types, but choose wisely and avoid the temptation to become too diversified.

Never underestimate the power of Spells.  Spells are the easiest cards to use because they don't evolve and they don't need Energy, so you can use them whenever you want.  Almost every deck can be improved by Spells, so find some that work well with your deck.  At the same time, realize your opponent could have any Spells, and plan accordingly.  Battles can easily be won and lost by Spells.

Assess the price of building.  Buildings don't belong in most simple decks because they are as hard to play as a Stage 1 Minion.  Foundations can be tough to defend as well.  However, some decks really do need Buildings.  If your Minions have low HP, then a Parapet might be worth the risk.  Whatever you do, make sure the Buildings in your deck are included for a clear purpose.

Finally, be sure to play the odds.  If there is a card in your deck that you really want in your starting hand, you should include at least 10 of that card in your deck so that the odds of drawing it are at least one out of seven cards.  If your Minions require that a coin be flipped, don't neglect the odds of that either.  The coin does not always land heads.

Evaluate how easy it is to use your deck.  Do you lose of you don't quickly draw a certain combination of cards?  If so, evaluate the problem and adjust to make your deck simpler.  You'll be glad you did.

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