
Spindrift.  I don't know who it is, and I don't know what game it comes from, but the one word that sums it all up is GOOD!!!  Why you ask?  Well, Spindrift being a common card, and a good common card, has 60 HP.  NOT TOO BAD FOR A BASIC MINION!  The only other card I know that is Basic with higher HP is Buster Beetle (he has 80 HP).  Now with Spindrift there is plenty to do.  Slap on two Ice Energies and he's ready to lure in the opponents and bump them away, literally!  Say you're stocking up a Czar Dragon for Zombone (yes, I have fallen a victim of Lemmy's Zombone spell) and you really don't want him knocked out.  With Lure, the opponent HAS to attack Spindrift, meaning if none of the opponent's Minions can reach him, they can't attack.  Also, after that even, Bump's damaging amount of 10 rises to 30 when he is attacked.  With some Mushrooms and a little skill, that Zombone will be stompin' away with out a scratch.

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