Railroad Tracks

You must've read Lemmy's article on Supply Line by now, right?  Well, now I'm going to write about the other extra-drawing card, a.k.a. Railroad Tracks.
As you know, big hands mean easier to win.  But Supply Line can only be used once, then it's gone, unless you have one of the few cards that can shuffle your discard pile back into your deck.  Not so with Railroad Tracks.  This allows you to draw one additional card every turn, giving you twice the chance to draw that special card you need.  And if one is good, more is better, so three, four, five cards per turn will easily give you what you need in a matter of a few turns.
Of course, the problem with all Buildings is that your sworn enemy can destroy them or use them by capturing your lands.  The capture problem isn't that hard.  More cards drawn means more Minions or evolution cards, means tougher cards in the attacked land.  And any turn where your Tracks get attacked is one where your Minions don't.  That and the fact that most players don't think about taking the temporary disadvantage of blasting a building to the long-term disadvantage of leaving it up.  And then there's the bit about having to get up the Foundations.  If you get it in quickly or in a Land your enemy can't reach, you have no problems.
The final advantage is that the ability is optional.  If your deck's running low on cards, and, despite your best efforts, you're behind, you need to draw only one card and stall the game long enough for you to clear out a land and get the points you need.  And if you're ahead, draw all your cards and end the game quickly.

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