Angry Sun
Lemmy Koopa

This guy is really strong, and if you look at his stats you probably don’t need me to tell you that.  Though, I hope you’re not using him for Solar Flare… Blargg can do the same thing for less Energy.  Nope, you have to use him for Sweltering Heat.

See, there’s a really sneaky thing you can do. (looks around) You know where it says you can do 10 extra damage to the enemy Minion or Angry Sun for each coin flip?  Well, ya know, if you used Barricade, you would be able to use Sweltering Heat twice without taking any damage, so you could flip coins until you scored a knock out on the enemy.  That’s two instant knock outs!

Angry Sun is a rare card, a Stage 2, and he takes five Energies for that attack.  You’re gonna need lots of Supply Line, and Railroad Tracks wouldn’t hurt either.  This is going to be tough to pull off, but if you can nail that Sweletering Heat / Barricade trick, you’ll be in excellent shape!

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