Common Enemy
Lemmy Koopa

Ok, time for my first strategy article for the Conquest Set! Wow, Common Enemy is the ultimate stall card. When this card is in play, no one can attack any other target besides it until it’s knocked out. With 100 HP, that can take quite a while. Now, you might be saying, “But I can’t attack either!” True, but you’re using this card to stall while you get your big guns out. This is a must for those SMAAAAASH decks because they usually take a long time to get ready. Common Enemy buys you that time.

One thing you need to consider when playing this card is where you will place it. You can put it in any land. A neutral position is to place it in a land both you and your opponent can reach. Then you and your opponent can take turns hitting it until it’s gone. But, you could take a nasty position by putting it in a land only you can reach. Then the card will remain in play until you feel like knocking it out. The drawback is that since you will be the last to attack before it dies, your opponent will get to attack you first. The other alternative is to place the card in a land only your opponent can reach. Then your opponent gets to decide when to knock it out, but you get the first attack afterwards.

Common Enemy does beg a question: Can a Minion attack a target within the same land as it is? Enemy Minions can never be in the same land, but if the Common Enemy is in Grass Land, can a minion in Grass Land attack it? Hmm…

Common Enemy is, heh heh, a common card, so you could put a lot in a deck and really tie up the game by playing lots of them (or playing a new one after the previous one is knocked out). Hey, here’s an idea: Combine this with a swarm deck. Take over all the lands while your opponent can’t attack. End of game, you’ve won!

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