Too Quiet
Lemmy Koopa

Too Quiet is an excellent name for this kind of card. There’s a lull, and then WHAM! A big smash attack. Even speed decks can become a SMAAAAAASH deck for a turn if they use this card to double their attack power for a turn. But, in order to double your attack, you have to give up a turn. Now, why would you do that? After all, in those two turns you could just attack twice. Well, I can think of a few reasons why you’d rather use this card and attack once rather than twice:

1. If you attack twice, after the first attack your offensive Minion is in position to be attacked back, unless it’s someone like Unchained Chomp.
2. Some attacks require you to discard Energy. If you attack twice you need to discard Energy twice. But if you only attack once, you save some Energy.
3. Opponent has a Parapet. If you attack twice both attacks will be discounted 10 points. If you attack once, you lose 10 points only the one time.
4. You don’t want to give your opponent a chance to heal.

There are other reaons too that I’m sure you can think of, but these are four biggies. As you can see, this card is defensive and helps you save your resources. Pretty useful, if you ask me.

When should you use this card? Use Too Quiet when you want to cause a big smack, and your attacker is safely away from the opponent. Also use Too Quiet if you can’t attack this turn but will be able to next turn. Then nothing is lost but a big smack is gained. Don’t use Too Quiet if you could knock out the target in one simple hit, or if the attacker is not safe (unless they are discarding Energy). Also, you might not want to use Too Quiet if a Gun Tower is in effect. Since the +10 will only count once, your total attack will lose 10 points (although if that still does the job, go right ahead).

So, do you get the point? Use Too Quiet right and cause some major damage!

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