Reverse Mushroom
Lemmy Koopa

I remember really liking Reverse Mushroom in Mario Party 3, especially when I could go to Boo three times on one trip. Uh, anyway… it’s still a good item to have around.

Hm… return the top three cards of the discard to the top of your deck… choose yourself or your opponent. Two words: choose yourself! Wow, now what would I give for the chance to return three cards that I used, and apparently like, to the TOP of my deck to be used again soon? Wow, and if you had a Supply Line… but now I’m getting ahead of myself. Now look, why would you want to give your opponent a chance to reuse three cards that they’ve already considered useful? Very rarely, if ever, would you want to use this on your opponent. But if you use it on yourself… possibilities!

Oh, and it’s common?! Even better! Use your favorite cards again and again! When Tutankoopa knocks himself out bring him back along with two of the Energies he used. He’s ba-ack! Woohoo! Hey, why even have a discard pile at all? Carry lots of Reverses and bring ‘em all back. Down with discards! Up with Reverse Mushroom!

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