Collection Deck

If you've read the Deck Theme articles, you probably know about various themes. Big Minions, Swarm, Stall, et cetera. But, here's another one can be very effective if played right.

I call it the Collection deck. It's similar to a Swarm in the fact that you'll need a lot of Basics to pull it off, but its purpose is not to overrun.

The object of this deck is to gather Minions who have attacks that do more based on how many of them are there, and then attack for major damage.

Crystal Bit, Gusty, Microgoomba, Cheep Cheep, Baby Bowser, Huffin Puffin, Bandana Blue, and Boo Diddly all follow this method.

Of course, certain ones are more useful than others. Crystal Bit and Microgoomba are Basic, and their attacks do more depending on how many of them are in the same land. (10 damage for every Crystal Bit/Microgoomba in the land). These two are useful because you don't have to evolve. Cheep Cheep is more general, its attack counts all Water Minions in the land (10 damage for every Water Minion in the land).  Baby Bowser is the most inclusive, counting all Minions in the land (10 damage for every Minion in the land).  But the most powerful is probably Gusty, who does 20 damage for every Gusty in a different land.  Huffin Puffin and Bandana Blue are more difficult to use, because they have to be evolved, but they're still effective. Don't use Boo Diddly, because you have to evolve all the Lil' Boos in the land to boost damage.

However, all of them have weaknesses. Microgoomba and Crystal Bit can't do much damage alone, and have low HP, so either attack quickly or use an attack that move out the others to diferent lands. Gusty can be defeated by invading lands quickly. You can also use Spookum's Dizzy Chimes or Prisoners of War to prevent the Gusties from moving. For Cheep Cheep, you need to either KO all of the Cheep Cheep or the rest of the Water Minions. For Baby Bowser, just KO him, since he's a Promo, there shouldn't be too many of them in your opponent's deck.  And you can just KO the basics of Bandana Blue, Boo Diddly, and Huffin Puffin so they can never get out.

If you're using a Collection deck, make sure you have Supply Lines to draw the cards you need quickly. Most of these Minions also have a Friends attack, so you can get more of them out. Add Parapet if the Minions you're using have low HP. And if you have the choice, make sure you go second when the game starts. This way, you can invade the opposite corner from where your opponent invades, and you have more time to build up your forces.

These decks are powerful, and they're easy to build.  So remember, there's strength in numbers.

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