Before I start, I'm not the best writer.
Okay, I just learned how to use Buildings (I didn't understand them at first), and then I realized that my KTCG deck could use some tweaking and a new strategy now that I understood Buildings. I looked at my cards, and I useful Buildings. I thought "I need to buy some Buildings...but which ones?" I looked over the Cards and said "Underground Tunnel *reads card details* Hello! That would be useful if I was in an emergency!"
Here's how I would use this. Let's say I have 10 Super Koopas in Dark Land, and right to my left, there is a Big Bertha. Let's also say I have Baby Bowser and my last 10 Super Koopas in Grass Land, as well as an Underground Tunnel. I have a Foundation in Dark Land, by the way. I draw *gasp* an Underground Tunnel! I build it, and Baby Bowser and the Super Koopas come though the tunnel, and attack the Big Bertha with Koopa Troop, killing it! I just saved myself a lotta trouble!
Or, if you know you can't defend a land any longer, take an Underground Tunnel to safety.
The best part about's a common card! I'm gonna pack my deck full of 'em! Bwa hahaha! Bowser is king again! Gwah hahaha! *ahem* Good luck, win lotsa battles.
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