A Good Spell Card Combo

I have found a good Spell combo that consists of only three types of Spells. These three Spell cards are Barricade, Supply Line, and Fire Flower. With Barricade, you can keep your opponent from harming your Minions. With Fire Flower, you can do 20 extra damage for each one you attach. If you attach enough Fire Flower, you can knock out even the strongest Minions.

“So where does Supply Line come in?” Sometimes you won’t have enough Fire Flowers to destroy your opponent’s Minion or you might not have a Barricade that is desperately needed. As many of you know, Supply Line allows you to draw two cards. Those two cards can contain that one Barricade you need. Or it might give you two Fire Flowers to destroy your opponent’s Minion. Then again, it could give you neither, but give you another Supply Line which you can play right away to get that card you need. Supply Line is also useful when you are trying to get another Basic Minion or an Evolved Minion, which could win the match for you. These three cards can help you win any battle.

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