The Power of Doomship Port

Have you ever had trouble with your opponent knocking out an Evolved Minion that you only have one of in your deck? Or maybe you want a certain card but that would take the number of cards in your deck over 70? The answer is Doomship Port. In case you don’t know, Doomship Port allows you to get a card back from your discard pile. All you do is flip a coin, and if you get heads you can bring a card back from the discard pile.This can allow you to put one of an Evolved Minion into your deck and you don’t have to worry about it being knocked out as long as you have Doomship Port in play (and you have good luck). I have this in my deck and it is very useful. One recommendation when using Doomship Port is to have more than one Doomship Port in your deck so that should one get defeated, you can just go and revive it with another Doomship Port. I recommend having around three because then you can take back three cards per turn and if a Doomship Port is destroyed you can still get another card back along with the destroyed Doomship Port.

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