Possessed Mallow
Tail Koopa

Possessed Mallow is an HP-switcher card. His attacks are reasonably good, but when you use this effectively, this card is even better.

Possessed Mallow's Snowy does reasonable damage, not as satisfying you may say. However, this attack only needs 2 Water Energy in order to use it. That's right, 2 Water Energy. Usually an attack like that needs three Energy, but this attack needs only 2. Few Minions can do that amount of damage with that little Energy.

But there is one attack that I should really talk about, Psychopath. As you can see, Psychopath switches Possessed Mallow's HP damage with the target's HP damage. Use this attack on a target that has no HP damage when Possessed Mallow is dying. That way, Mallow's HP would be back to 0, and your target would have damage. You should use this on a target that has low HP. Possessed Mallow could knock out that target. For example: Your Possessed Mallow has 50 HP damage. And there is a Cheep Cheep that is unharmed. Use Psychopath on that Cheep Cheep, and your Possessed Mallow's HP will be back at 0 while your opponent's Cheep Cheep is knocked out.

Since this is a tricky but good attack, your opponents would keep their weaker Minions away from your Possessed Mallow. Well in that case, use Possessed Mallow's Snowy or your other Minions' attacks to defeat the Minions with bigger HP. You could also use Psychopath on one of your opponent's Minions with less damage than Possessed Mallow even if your opponent keeps weaker Minions away. If you combine this with a heavy hitter, then you may give your opponent some troubles because they don't want weaker Minions be in contact with Possessed Mallow or the heavy hitters, and they don't want  to risk their heavy hitters being knocked out.

You can try putting Possessed Mallow in a Protect deck since he is a Minion who can heal himself. Use Mushrooms or other healing items to control Possessed Mallow's HP so he won't get knocked out before he uses Psychopath. With 70 HP, it would be difficult for your opponent to knock out Possessed Mallow in one blow before Possessed Mallow  can use Psychopath. Since he is a Rare card, you can't put a lot in a deck, but try to use cards that can fish him out and evolve your Possessed Frogfucious into Possessed Mallow.

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