Possessed Baby Mario
Tail Koopa

One look at the HP of this card is quite disappointing. With only 30 HP, Possessed Baby Mario can be knocked out easily. However, this card can help you despite its low HP because of its attacks. And with only one Fire Energy, Possessed Baby Mario can use both attacks. 

Possessed Baby Mario’s first attack, Wail, allows you to look for a Possessed Minion in your deck and play it in the land Possessed Baby Mario is in. If the card meets the requirement, it can attack right away. This is a good attack if your deck has some Possessed Minions. Put a Possessed Toadstool in your deck; use Possessed Baby Mario’s Wail to bring out Possessed Toadstool, and you can use Possessed Toadstool’s attacks to play Buildings and Minions with Energies. Put a Possessed Geno in your deck; use Possessed Baby Mario’s Wail to bring out Possessed Geno, and you could frighten your opponent with that heavy killer. A good attack, right?

Although Possessed Baby Mario’s HP is low, his second attack, Starman, makes up for it. This attack is better than Jelectro’s Solid Defense since you don’t lose HP and you don’t have to discard an Energy card when using that attack. When your opponent attacks on their turn after Possessed Baby Mario used Starman, your opponent can’t attack him. You can use this baby’s Starman to stall your opponent and protect an important land.

So this little baby can stall your opponent and bring up some Minions that can help you. If you’re going to evolve Possessed Baby Mario, think about it first. Do you really need to evolve him now, because if you don’t then don’t evolve him yet. All I’m saying is evolve Possessed Baby Mario when it’s necessary.

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