Lil' Boo
Tail Koopa

There is more value to this little ghost than it appears. Lil’ Boo is tricky in Super Mario RPG because he sometimes dodges your attacks. In this card game, he’s just as tricky, but in a different way. Underestimate him, and there could be troubles for you.

Lil’ Boo’s first attack, Disappear, allows you to put him and any cards attached to him back to your hand. If Lil’ Boo is in danger of being Knocked Out, you could use Disappear to move him out of danger along with any other cards, mainly Energy Cards,  that could otherwise have been in the discard pile by the end of your opponent’s next turn.  Not only does it do that, but once you've moved those cards back into your hand, you have a reserved Minion for use again and reserved Energy Cards to save for your bigger and badder Minions. This makes Lil’ Boo a good distraction early in the game when your opponent starts out with weak Basic Minions.

Lil’ Boo is equally valuable when there are bigger threats to face, thanks to his second attack, Chase. This attack lets you move a targeted Minion the same number of times Lil’ Boo moved that turn (if the Minion is not Knocked Out after doing damage). That Minion cannot move during your opponent’s next turn. By moving Lil’ Boo at least one time to a favorable land to attack from, or by slapping down Lil’ Boo and two Evil Energy cards and then moving Lil’ Boo to a land to attack from, you can drive away a life-threatening Minion, such as a heavy hitter for a little while, and leave the Minion with a bit of a damage on it. Move away the most life-threatening Minion. Drive away that ruthless Roy Koopa or that scary Zombone. You'll probably still be attacked by another one of your opponent’s Minion, but at least you won’t suffer as much as you would if that life-threatening Minion is not kept away at all. This stalls for time. Even one more turn can turn things around.

If done right, you could even move your opponent’s only Minion in a land to another land in his control, forcing him or her to abandon a land. Invade that land if possible.  For such a weak guy, Lil’ Boo carries a few dirty tricks with him.

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