How the KTCG Began

One fine day (or about as fine as Dark Land can get), Susan B. Koopa was visiting her Koopa Cousins. They were ignoring her, as usual. Susan was very bored, so she decided to doodle. She stole some paper from Wendy's room, and drew. Then, an idea came to her! Why not make a card game to pass the time! She sneaked into Ludwig's room, and used his Card-Creater-2000 to make her cards. She printed them out, and introduced them to her cousins. They all Bahed her, and left. Only the fun-loving Lemmy decided to try. Lo and behold! He liked it! With her permission, he posted it on Lemmy's Land, and now various others play the game over the Internet. To quote from Ludwig: "HEY! Where's my card making machine?"

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