Lemmy’s Game Guides


Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
- When in the fight with Bowletta after she turns into Dark Bowletta, wait for a star attack. When she throws the stars at you, throw enough stars back at her so that she loses all of her HP and gets "defeated", but in the process she still hits Mario and Luigi with enough stars to kill them too. If performed correctly, the Bob-omb that comes out from behind when Bowletta is "defeated" will kill Mario and Luigi. The glitch is, however, that they are already dead from Bowletta's star attack. Essentially, the Bob-omb will come out despite the Bros. already laying on the ground. It will explode and no death animation will play, they'll just stay laying there. The screen will fade to black and the music will get slightly slower as if it is moving on to the next battle, but my guess is the game wants to trigger a "Game Over" but can't given the circumstances. Instead of moving on, the music keeps getting slower and slower beyond what it normally does and the screen stays black. I assume this is because the game has a set ratio to slow down the music, with a set time (about 5 seconds) to do so before the next battle. Since the game wants a "Game Over" and won't go to the next battle (therefore there is no set time to move on to the next battle), the music just keeps getting slower. Your only choice is to turn off the system. Spotted by Storm Koopa.

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