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Alternate Paper Mario EndingWhy Websites Shouldn't Have MoviesFighting
A Birdo and her Tongue

Red Luigi

Ridge Troopa
Always Listen to LuigiHow to NOT Be an Idiot (and Other Tips) for Dummies

Bowser Gives Himself a Good Pep Talk

Rookie Koopa
Koopa TwinsRoy Dream of MeanieQuiet Riot
Walk Like an EgyptianChemical Reaction

Ruby Koopa
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Lemmy Koopa
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Jumping ContestRoy's ThreatSecret Affair
The Power of Koopaling Votes

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Bowser Knows BestWeight UpKoopa-Kola
Koopa's Believe It or ElseKlub KoopaKitchen Kraziness
Koopa's High School YearbookThe Buddy SystemIt's Always Fair Weather
Mutiny on the FungiA Mouser in the HouserKoopa's Health & Beauty Tips
Dear Princess ToadstoolFryguy High Yearbook--Activity PageIn the Swim! Fun and Sun Fashions

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