
Lemmy's Drawing Board
These games haven't got off the drawing board, but they should!

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Super Bowser Bros

Samurai Guy
My Mario Life

Sgt. Fly
Paper Mario 5: Smithy’s ReturnPaper Mario 6

Shadow Yoshi
Mario Bros. 2: Bowser's Attack

Super Mario: Quest for the Gold Keys

Shy Ranger
Super Mario World 3Super Mario HeroSuper Mario Hero 2: The Dimension Doors

Silver Boo
Koopa F1 Championship

Sir Grodus
The Great Nintendo Fuse

Mega Mario WorldPaper Iggy: The Seven SpiritsMario Feet: Not-Lazy Circuit
Super Yoshi

Sonic & Lemmy Fan
Super Mario Tennis Wii

The Power of Green

Star Daniel
Lemmy's IslandPrincess AdventuresMushroom Mayhem

Static Z
Super Mario Sunshine 2

Super Zero
Paper BowserBaby Mario StoryPaper Mario: The Million-Year Mansion
Nintendo RacersMario Bros: Wario Troubles

Wario World 2

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Waluigi's IslandBowser's AdventurePaper Mario 3: Mystery of Bailerie Castle
Mario & Luigi, Wario & Waluigi DSWaluigi World: Waluigi's IslandPaper Mario 4: The Key to Great Power

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Lemmy Koopa
Mario Boxing 64Koopalings 64: Quest for the Golden Keys

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