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Yosh 3000
Why Goombas Don't Use Power-UpsWhy Luigi Hates Public Bathrooms

Yoshi Tamer
Lemmy's BunnyLemmy's Prank Call

Things You Will Never See in the Koopa Newspaper

Wrong GameDestroying the CastlePlumbers Digest #1

Ludwig and the Lotto

Yoshis Gotta Have FunSearching for PurposeThinking Smart

Young Link
Super Mario TheatreBowser's FireMario Fighting Show
Mario Fighting Show: Episode 2Morton is StupidBowser's Idea to Destroy Mario
Young Link's Funny CollectionAttack the Koopas with TrickIt is Safe to Go Outside
Super Smash TheaterBowser and BomarioSuper Moron Bros
Super Moron Bros. CS4

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Lemmy Koopa
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The Power of Koopaling Votes

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Koopa's High School YearbookThe Buddy SystemIt's Always Fair Weather
Mutiny on the FungiA Mouser in the HouserKoopa's Health & Beauty Tips
Dear Princess ToadstoolFryguy High Yearbook--Activity PageIn the Swim! Fun and Sun Fashions

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