
Mario & Luigi, Wario & Waluigi DS
By axemblue4

Game Information
System: Nintendo DS
Rating: E
Graphics: 3D
Price: $50.00 in America, 10 blue coins on Plit (most areas), 30 Frog Coins on Plit (Frog areas)
Genre: Action/Adventure, RPG

It depends on which mode you chose. There is Action/Adventure Mode and RPG Mode.

RPG Mode: One day, it is said on the news that Bowser, the Koopalings, and some other unknown force had entered the "Pillar Pyramid". It is said that an ancient treasure lay at the bottom, where an ancient king's throne room was supposed to be hundreds, thousands, or possibly even millions of years ago. But in a war between Mushroom Kingdom and Pillar Palace (the original name, milleniums ago), the Mushroom Kingdom had no choice but to give up and sign a paper saying that they would never harm a Pillar Palacian or enter the realm of the Palace because they couldn't win the war. Now Mario and Luigi set off to stop the pests from awakening an Ancient Spirit capable of ruling Plit, while Wario and Waluigi also enter, hoping to find the treasure. You can choose to play as Mario and Luigi or Wario and Waluigi throughout the game.

Action/Adventure Mode: Bowser has kidnapped Peach and gone to the moon. He has destroyed the ancient Ultra Moon (like Shine Sprite and Power Star) and the pieces scattered. The pieces are referred to as Mega Moons. Wario and Waluigi set off to collect them in the hope of getting even more rich. Mario and Luigi do it to save Peach and bring peace back to the moon. Now they set off to collect the 120 Mega Moons.

RPG Mode:
Mario Bros:
Control Pad: Move
A: Front Brother action
B: Back Brother action
X: Select front Bro action
Y: Select back Bro action
R: Mario transformation
L: Luigi transformation
Start: Suitcase
Select: Change the Bros' positions

Wario Bros:
Control Pad: Move
A: Front Bro action
B: Back Bro action
X: Select front Bro Action
Y: Select back Bro Action
R: Wario transformation
L: Waluigi transformation
Start: Bring up suitcase
Select: Change the Bros' positions

Action/Adventure Mode:
Mario Bros:
Control Pad: Move
A: Jump
B: Punch/Kick
X: Crouch
Y: Fireballs/Green Missile
R: E. Gadd Invention
L: Use an item
Start: Bring up pause menu
Select: Select an E. Gadd Invention

Wario Bros:
Control Pad: Move
A: Jump
B: Headbutt/Trip
X: Crouch
Y: Barge/Bomb
R: Ludwig Invention
L: Use an item
Start: Bring up pause menu
Select: Select a Ludwig Invention

The top screen always shows the top floor in RPG mode (each room has a top area and a bottom area). The bottom screen always shows the bottom area. In Action/Adventure mode, you play the game on the top screen, and get a map of where you are on the bottom. In cutscenes in Action/Adventue mode, the scene is shown on both screens at the same time. In the menus you see the same thing on both screens. Try to remember this, so you don't get confused.

In RPG mode, you can transform into objects. This can be useful but it requires Transformation Tokens. You can call them TTs. Everytime you transform, you waste some TTs. But never fear, you usually get them after beating enemies. Here are the Transformations for all four characters.

Transformation: Car
TTs: 3 needed for transformation
Description: A red and blue car that can easly cross roads that are normally too dangerous. Use the control pad to steer, the A button to accelorate, and R to turn back. You can press B to blow you horn, which sometimes scares weak enemies away.

Transformation: Helicopter
TTs: 2
Description: This sounds cool at first but it actually isn't. It is a green and blue helicoper. This only works on helicopter pads (oh well). When you use this, Helicopter Luigi will automatically fly up to the upper area of the room. Don't forget to press L on the pad for it to work.

Transformation: Fatty
TTs: 3
Description: Wario becomes fat. Big deal. He is still yellow and purple. He is also slower and can barely jump. However, he can crush wooden panels and bricks in the floor when he jumps on them. Press R to return to normal.

Transformation: Piranha Plant
TTs: 4
Description: Waluigi will turn into a blue and black Pirnaha Plant. In this form, press B to dig under the ground for items. This can be useful, as it allows you to get things hidden underground. Press L to return to normal.

Bros Actions
Front Bro Actions:
Mario Bros:

Wario Bros:

Back Bros Actions:
Mario Bros:
Spin Jump/High Jump
Mini Mario/Luigi Dunk
Fire Dash/Electric Shuffle
Pound Down/Blast Up

Wario Bros:
Hover Jump/Cannonshot Jump
Wario Launch/Waluigi Surf
Explosion Dash/Icey Shuffle
Flattener/Verticle Toss

Brother Attacks
Mario Brothers:
Splash Bros
Swing Bros
Chopper Bros
Fire Bros
Corker Bros
Tornado Bros

Bounce Bros
Sling Bros
Knockback Bros
Thunder Bros
Uncorker Bros
Cyclone Bros

Wario Brothers:
Smash Bros
Spin Bros
Bash Bros
Explosion Bros
Ram Bros
Hurricane Bros

Pound Bros
Dizzy Bros
Punch Bros
Ice Bros
Pop-up Bros
Typhoon Bros

E. Gadd Invention: FLUDD
Ludwig Invention: CBUBD
E. Gadd Invention: Poltergust 3000
Ludwig Invention: UPVD

Jump Rope Game
Fire Hop
Bash Smaher
Bag Busto
Crazy Cutters

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