Cornpie: Lemmy, who am I interviewing today?
Lemmy: I think it's Wendy.
Cornpie: WHAT?!
Lemmy: You're interviewing Wendy today.
Diddy: Don't worry. I could do it.
Cornpie: But the audience is expecting me to do it! Which I'm mad about.
Diddy: You could change the title to "DIDDY interiews WENDY".
Ggysgsju: Gdsjkfkafgskja!
Diddy: Who the in the world is that?!
Cornpie: The new guy. His name is Ggysgsju. Oh, and I have to interview her cuz I'm the main guy.
Lemmy: Can you start the show now?
(Cornpie is already running to the stage.)
Cornpie: Welcome to Lemmy's Interview Show! Version 8.0!
Audience: Wah?
Bobby Lamare: BOO! YOU STINK!
Cornpie: I'll get you, my evil twin... SOMEDAY! Anyway, today I'm interviewing the girl Koopaling, Wendy.
Wendy: Oh yay!
Cornpie: Now, okay, why do you use candy rings to hurt Mario?
Wendy: My daddy got them for me. He said they could come in handy one day. So I used them to try to beat Mario.
Bowser: (mumbling) Useless daughter.
Cornpie: Wendy, why are you so weak?
(Cornpie shows a clip of Wendy not being able to lift her own wand, then crying when she just breaks a nail.)
Wendy: PERISH!
(An anvil hits Wendy.)
Bowser: You're too violent, Cornpie.
Cornpie: So are you. Now when Wendy gets out from under the 800-ton anvil that hit her, we'll continue.
8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 seconds later...
Cornpie: What time is it?
The anvil that crushed Wendy: 3:00 PM.
(The anvil melts. Wendy comes up.)
Cornpie: Thanks. Now Wendy, why are you a girl?
Wendy: How should I know? Ask my daddy, or DAD.
(Cornpie is on his cell pho- Wait a minute. He dosen't have a cell phone yet! Oh well, he calls DAD anyway.)
Cornpie: DAD, why is Wendy a girl?
DAD: Well you see...
(While they are talking, Carl sings a song.)
Carl: Goodbye moon, we'll see ya next June! With a spoon, and i don't know what rhymes with spoon!
Cornpie: Okay, bye. The reason is that...
(Carl sings another song.)
Carl: Stars stars stars winkle winkle cars cars!
(The audience is all pale from too much info. Cornpie then plays the loudest note available on his saxophone. They wake up.)
Cornpie: Audience time! Seat 800.
Crump: Do you want to be in a new game soon?
Wendy: Well you see, I do but I don't. I want to kill those stupid Marios, but I don't want to break a nail like in the clip that appeared before I got hit by the anvil.
Mario: Can I have a candy ring? When you answer I'll ask a real question.
Wendy: No.
Mario: Here's the real one now. Why do you wear a bow?
Wendy: I feel like it.
Cornpie: Seat FATGUY!
Wario: What is your weakness?
Wendy: Breaking a nail, tripping, getting jumped on by Mario or Luigi.
Cornpie: That's all the time for today. See you next time, but first...
(Wendy gets shocked by a giant Blooper thingy.)
(Ending completed.)
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