Dimentio vs Fawful vs Waluigi

Season Eight
The Red Corner

Dimentio: I leave it to Pokey to decide if going to another dimension counts as leaving the ring.

The Green Corner

Fawful: Oh, not this guy again. Now there will be two fighters I can't understand. At least Handfake would shut up.

The Yellow Corner

Waluigi: Who keeps voting him back in here? I guess he's the most sensible of the three, but then even Lemmy would be.

The Blue Corner

Dimentio: Ya know, I have thought about banning freaks from the Sports Hall. No one would be left, though.

The announcer:

Anti Guy

The referee:



Roy: But no, seriously, I can’t understand how you people can keep voting these freaks in.

Anti Guy: Today at Roy’s Sports Hall we have a special battle between-

Roy: -the dumbest, most annoying losers-

Anti Guy: -that have been selected by you, our audience. In the Red Corner, it’s the master of dimensions, Dimentio!

Dimentio: Ahaha! And don’t forget pleaser of crowds! My true power is just yet becoming known!

Anti Guy: In the Green Corner, it’s Cackletta’s maniacal sidekick, Fawful!

Fawful: Eyahahaha! I have fury!

Anti Guy: And finally, in the Yellow Corner, it’s everyone’s least favorite character, Waluigi.

Waluigi: Ehehe, Waluigi!

Roy: What are you, a Pokemon? Anyway, hurry up, Larry.

Larry: Man, ok, last time was a bad day. From THIS day on, I’m turning a new predictive leaf for sure. Since Dimentio is by far the most powerful one here, he will definitely not win, so it’s between Fawful and Waluigi. They’re both pretty incompetent, but Waluigi seems to be the weaker one, so I’m going with him.

Roy: Man, what the?

Larry: Yep! You’re looking at the new Larry! Analyst extraordinaire!

Roy: We all know no matter how hard you try, you’ll always be a failure.

Larry: Ow, harsh.

Pokey: Fight.


Dimentio: I will take care of you both as quickly as the roof of a cheap cottage burns in a hot summer day!

Roy: Wait, is that fast or slow?

Dimentio: Energy Ball!


Fawful: AGH! How dare you strike me! The pain you will feel will be like the hot delicious mustard on the hot dog of my victory!

Roy: Ugh. I gotta get outta here.

Fawful: Spark!


Dimentio: Blagidiblag!

Anti Guy: Fawful has retaliated with an electric attack right at Dimentio!

Waluigi: Waluigi’s-a gonna win!


Fawful: YIPE!

Anti Guy: Waluigi hit Fawful from behind with his racket!


Dimentio: Ahaha! Dimensional Pound!!




Anti Guy: Dimentio has flattened both of his opponents with his powers!

Waluigi: This-a isn’t good! Bob-omb!


Dimentio: YOUUUCH!! You will regret that like the freshly caught fish out of a tranquil pond! Energy Ball! Energy Ball! Energy Ball!


Waluigi: Awowowow!!!

Anti Guy: Dimentio is punishing Waluigi with a barrage of attacks!




Anti Guy: Oooh! Fawful used a very powerful attack on Dimentio while he was distracted!

Dimentio: Nnghh… I will… destroy you… DIMENSIONAL D-

Waluigi: Stomping Dance!

Stomp stomp stompity stomp!

Dimentio: Agh! NO! Stop that! YAH!

Anti Guy: It looks like Dimentio is getting double teamed!

Fawful: This is the end for fink rats like you! Myriad Bob-ombs!

Waluigi: Mega Bob-omb!

Anti Guy: Fawful and Waluigi have placed a great number of bombs on Dimentio!


Dimentio: NOOOOOOOOoooooo…


Pokey: Dimentio, out.

Anti Guy: Looks like Larry’s prediction is coming true!

Waluigi: Hehehe! Secret Weapon time! Waluigi Tank!

Anti Guy: What the? Waluigi called in a tank! How will Fawful defeat him now?

Fawful: Eeyahahaha! Two can play the same game! ULTRA DOME!!!

Anti Guy: That dome looks hard to penetrate! And to top it off, he’s FLYING? Now both fighters are heavily armored!

Waluigi: Wahaha! Eat-a lead!


Plik! Pink! Pika-plik-plak!

Anti Guy: The attack doesn’t seem to have much of an effect against Fawful’s armor.

Fawful: Eeyahahah! Spark!


Anti Guy: And neither does Fawful’s attack on Waluigi’s tank.

Waluigi: Die!


Plik! Pink! Pika-plik-plak!

Fawful: Spark! Spark! Spark! Super Spark!


Anti Guy: Um. Nothing seems to be happening.

Roy: Yawn. Zzzz…

2 hours later…

Anti Guy: I can’t believe they’re still going!

Pokey: Battle end.

Anti Guy: Huh?

Pokey: Tie.

Anti Guy: Wow, looks like our fighters were both so incompetent that a winner couldn’t be decided, folks!

Roy: Zzz… snort! Huh? What? What happened? Man, that nap was good.

Larry: Looks like it was a tie.

Roy: A tie?! That’s dumb! There are no ties in the Sports Hall! Although, that does mean you technically guessed wrong…

Larry: Uh oh.

Roy: Look at this brand new pit I got just for you!

Larry: Is it a bottomless one?

Roy: Nah, it has a bottom. Full of starved tigers.


Larry: NOOOOOOOoooooooooo…

Roy: End Transmission!

The winners:

The loser:

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