You step inside
the White Ice Castle Gym and immediately start to shiver. No wonder! The
entire city is coated in ice. The sun reflects off the ice all around you,
making it hard to see. You consider leaving for some place warmer, but
you know you'll never get a badge that way. Instead you look around and
finally make out a sign with writing on it printed in Jokerman font. You
read it and then make your choice.
Oh, but first,
be sure to sign in! If you don't have a name and password at the
League, go sign
Zoo: Take the path on the left
to find some training grounds with lots of wild Pokemon. Fun for the whole
Circus: It gets a little wild when
all of Lemmy's siblings show up, but if you want to see if you're a match
for this crazy gym leader you'll want to take them on and see how you fare.
Hopefully your team isn't too laughable! Take the path on the right to
get there.
Castle: Go forward to advance into
the heart of Lemmy's castle. You'll find some challengers, a shop, a PokeCenter,
and of course the crazy prankster himself.
Land: Get out of the city and escape
the cold, as well as a lot of embarrassment. Or, just go to enjoy the great
Fun Fiction! It won't get you away from Lemmy though.
What's going on down here?
Champ in-a the making! It's-a me, Mario! Lemmy Koopa is-a the gym leader
here, and he's-a warped! He's-a also incredibly tough, but you will-a want
to defeat him as soon as-a possible because I have-a heard that Lemmy has-a
just discovered a secret trick and is-a about to implement it, but it-a
will take some time. Hurry! Beat him while-a you still can! Good luck!
You carefully
make your way to Lemmy's Zoo, since the ground is very slippery. You're
hoping it really is a zoo so you can make some easy catches, but there's
no such luck. Lemmy, the gym leader, only called this area a zoo because
he thought it sounded cool. But the good news is that there are some good
places to train. You find another sign, read it, and make your selection.
the Tree: Climb the nearby rope ladder and find some Pokemon in a tree.
Don't lose your balance! Level 7.
the Aquarium: Take a deep breath and go swim with the fishes. If you
survive your party could gain some experience. Level 10.
the Fireplace: Why is there a fireplace just sitting in the middle
of nowhere? And it's still cold! Well if you don't mind getting burned
you could run behind the fire and battle. Level 13.
the Garbage: Step right up and get buried under Lemmy's trash, along
with some Pokemon that actually like it. Level 16.
Among the Mirrors: Lemmy's mirror room makes no sense whatsoever! You
may as well just close your eyes. But the battles here could help your
party. Level 19.
As you make your
way along the path you begin to hear cheerful music. Finally you come into
view of a huge circus tent. You enter and find Lemmy's siblings. You could
battle one of them... or you could back out of it. Make your choice!
Lemmy's siblings
are packing it at Level 15, so if you're not ready you might want to go
back to the main grounds and then to Lemmy's Zoo. Of course, if you can't
beat all of Lemmy's sibs, you surely won't be any challenge to the gym
Lemmy's youngest sibling is very sneaky. Larry loves plants, and he's sure
to surprise you.
If there's one thing Morton likes, it's talking. There aren't many Pokemon
that talk, but don't think your ears will get off easy. His team is loud.
The only girl in the family, Wendy can be very forceful in order to get
what she wants. She loves water. She probably hates you.
The twin of the castle boss himself, Iggy doesn't believe in picking one
strength, but spreads his talents across the board. Be ready for anything.
Easily the strongest of the Koopalings, though he is rumored to have rocks
for brains. Caution: Those who approach Roy should wear a helmet.
He's a genius! Ludwig's the only Koopaling older than Lemmy, and if you're
not careful he'll simply outsmart you.
The castle is
a magnificent sight to behold. You are awestruck at its beauty, and even
begin to forget about the cold. Eventually you manage to take your eyes
off the beauty and take a look around. You can see a store on the left,
and the ever-popular PokeCenter is on the right. Lemmy's throne room is
just ahead. And- oh yeah, there's also the large, menacing character right
in front of you. He MIGHT want to battle.
Shop: Step right up and trade some gold coins- I mean, yen, in exchange
for some junk- I mean, good stuff! Yeah...
PokeCenter: Mess with your PokeBox and have a nice chat with the nurse.
Oh yeah, and if anyone has managed to beat Lemmy, you can find them in
the Hall of Fame here.
As evil as ever, Lemmy's supervillain father is not just going to let you
wander around doing as you please. You'd best battle him, or you might
get burnt to a crisp by his fiery breath. But... his party is on Level
If you dare and are as crazy as this jester is, go into the throne room
and take on the gym leader himself. Level SOMETHINGREALLYHIGH.
You enter the
PokeCenter and see... nothing. There's no one around. You're surprised,
as you were expecting to see the place crowded with people that Lemmy defeated.
"Something wrong?"
asks the nurse, a Crazy Daisy, who you had not noticed before.
"Why is there
no one in here?" you ask.
"Why are you here?"
the nurse asks back.
"No trainer has
been around to battle Lemmy in ages. They've all been scared away by Bowser,
or having fun at the circus, or staying away from the cold, or just being
smart and not coming here at all, thanks to Lemmy's powerful reputation."
"Wow... is he
really all that strong?"
"All I know is
that the kid is Hyper!"
"I see..."
"Well, as long
as you're here, you might want to check out your PokeBox... I'm pretty
sure the computer still works. And, over here is the Hall of Fame, in case
you're interested."
That computer
is VERY dusty.
"Will there be
anything else?" the nurse asks.
"No, that's ok,"
you say. You thank the nurse and go about your business.
On the way to
Lemmy's throne room you notice a plaque on the wall. Upon further inspection
you see that it contains all the badges Lemmy has earned from the R.E.
You enter the
throne room and see Lemmy... and Lemmy... and Lemmy!
"Welcome to my
gym!" the Lemmy in the middle welcomes you.
"Have we driven
you insane?" laughs the Lemmy on the right.
"You can tell
us apart, right?" the Lemmy on the left asks. Then all three break into
"Two of us are
clones!" all three Lemmys suddenly yell. "If you want a chance for the
Warped Badge, you'll have to guess which of us is the real deal!"
All three Lemmys
look and sound the same. You're just gonna have to take your best guess
and go with it.