Ruler of Ice Land, the Vanilla Dome, and Lemmy's Land, and LORD OF THE WARPED BADGE Having made your decision, you approach the Lemmy on the right. Immediately the other two Lemmys disappear, leaving one, which you assume is the real Lemmy. He shows a huge grin in response to your having guessed correctly. "So, you're here for my badge, huh?" he asks. "I have to warn you, I don't lose easily. But I respect your bravery. Win or lose, I hope we both have fun!" That said, Lemmy
quickly rolls away backwards on his ball, out of your eyesite. Then you
hear some whirring, and a Pokeball comes out of a hole in the floor. You
throw one of your own, and the battle with Lemmy for the Warped Badge is
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