Super Mario BROTHERS 64

Started by Dave Phaneuf

Course 15: Rainbow Ride

Star 2: The Big House in the Sky

By Hip

Mario and Luigi are in the opening to the right of the entrance to Tick Tock Clock and jump into the hole, which warps them to Rainbow Ride again.

Mario: This time when we get to the two carpets, we'll go right!

Luigi: I was afraid this moment would come too soon.

Mario and Luigi jump onto the carpet in front of them and ride along the rainbow, jumping over the block and the flamethrower. When they reach the end, they jump over to the spinning platforms. Lakitu spots them, and hurls several Spinies their way.

Luigi: Not this time, you cloud-monger!

The Marios bypass Lakitu and the Spinies and board the next carpet. Soon, they reach the two carpets up ahead, and jump onto the carpet to the right.

Luigi: Mario! This carpet can pass through that glass block, but we can't! We're gonna fall!

Mario: Backflip, Luigi!

The Marios backflip onto the block, and get back on the carpet. They then do the same thing at the next glass block.

Mario: See? That wasn't so bad!

Luigi: Yeah! We should've gone this way in the first place!

They soon approach a giant castle in the sky.

Luigi: What is that place?

Mario: I think they call that place the Big House!

Luigi: The Big House? But, I don't wanna go to jail! It's full of criminals!

While they speak, the carpet enters the house.

Mario: Would you relax?

A flamethrower hidden in the fireplace nearly scorches them.

Luigi: How can I relax? And how're we supposed to get on that other rainbow that goes through the roof?

Mario: Let's just bide our time, okay?

The carpet leaves the house, and passes though some more glass blocks, which the Marios jump over.

Luigi: At least this time, we don't hafta backflip!

The carpet enters the castle through a window.

Mario: You see, Luigi? I told you to stay put!

Luigi: Yeah, yeah. We don't even have to avoid the flamethrower down there! It can't hit us! It didn't last time! You're right! No need to stay-

Mario jumps out of the flamethrower's line of fire, but Luigi doesn't, so he gets burned and runs off the carpet.

Luigi: OW OW OW OW OW!

The carpet starts to rise.

Mario: Get back on the carpet!

Luigi: I can't! It's too high! Now whadda I do?

Mario: I'll think of something once I reach the top!

Mario reaches the top and jumps onto the roof, where a Power Star is out in the open and easily within his reach.

Luigi: So, whadda ya gonna do?

We suddenly hear the Star music.

Luigi: Mario? What's goin' on?

Mario: Here we go!

Luigi: Onto the next Star, I suppose.

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