Super Mario BROTHERS 64

Started by Dave Phaneuf

Course 15: Rainbow Ride

Star 7: 100 Coins

By Mario64

Mario and Luigi jump into the hole for the last time!

Luigi: After we collect this Star, we won't have to enter any more courses!

Mario: Yes, but we do have to get the 15 secret Stars!

Luigi: I know...

Mario and Luigi split up to get 100 coins.

Mario: Meet me at the Big House!

Mario collects the eight red coins for 16 coins.

Luigi collects the six blue coins for 30 coins.

Mario collects the sixteen coins on the spinning platforms, making 32.

Then he kills the Lakitu for five more coins. Mario collects three of them, Luigi collects two, giving Mario 35 and Luigi 32.

Mario goes to the Big House and gets the 15 coins there.

Luigi collects eight coins from the ship. Then he goes to Chuck-ya's platform and kills him for five coins.

Then he collects the five coins from a swing. Finally, Luigi goes to the Big House.

Mario: Got all your coins?

Luigi: Yeah!

Mario and Luigi put their coins together. The Star appears!

Luigi: May I?

Mario: Sure!

Luigi grabs the Star and does the V sign.

Luigi: Here we go!

Mario and Luigi have finally collected every Star in every course, for a total of 105 stars! Will they collect the 15 castle secret Stars without messing up? See the next episodes and find out!!!

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