Super Mario BROTHERS 64

Started by Dave Phaneuf

Other Quests

Avoid the Current, Hit the Big Green Switch

By Guest256

Mario and Luigi jump into the hole that leads to the Hazy Maze Cave.

Luigi: This place is so cold, and it gives me the creeps!

Mario: Oh, stop complaining!

Mario and Luigi make their way to Dorrie.

Luigi: Hey, I never noticed that metal door over there…

Mario: You go in there! I’m tired of getting all our Stars!

Luigi: Fine!

Luigi gets on Dorrie and rides over to the metal door.

Luigi: Thanks, Dorrie!

Luigi enters the door and sees a hole.

Luigi: I gotta muster the courage to jump inside!

Luigi jumps into the hole and ends up at a fork in the road… and there’s something else. He’s METAL!

Voice: Welcome to the cave of the Metal Cap! When you’re metal, you’re invincible, you can go against the current, and you can walk underwater!

Luigi: Cool!

Luigi takes the left path. Eventually, his metal power starts to wear off.

Luigi: Uh oh! I gotta do something, quick!

Luigi jumps onto a platform, just as his metal power wears off. A Snufit shoots bullets at him.

Luigi: Ack!

Luigi jumps over the bullets and jumps on the Snufit, defeating it. He finally reaches a platform with a big green switch  Luigi steps on it.

Voice: Congratulations! Now, every green block will be solid!

Luigi: Cool!

Luigi gets warped back to where Mario is.

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