Super Mario BROTHERS 64

Started by Dave Phaneuf

Other Quests

BIG Big Penguin Race

By Mario64

After the Mario Bros. and Yoshi eat cake, Yoshi goes outside and jumps into the waterfall.

Luigi: Where to now?

Mario:How about we go to Cool, Cool Mountain and race Big Penguin? I still feel bad about last time.

Luigi: Ok.

Mario and Luigi jump into the Cool, Cool Mountain painting and go down the chimney.

BIG Big Penguin: Hi, Mario and Luigi, I have to tell you that I'm all out of shape because I haven't been on the slide since I lost.

Luigi: Have you gained weight?

BIG Big Penguin: Yup!

Mario: Can we still race you?

BIG Big Penguin: Yes, but I have to warn you that I got better at sliding.

Mario: You first, Luigi, you won before.

Luigi: Ok, whatever.

They both race down and Luigi falls again. This time he is not so lucky! He loses a life by falling away.

Announcer: BIG Big Penguin wins!

Mario: My turn!

Mario takes the shortcut straight through the wall but BIG Big Penguin doesn't see him so he thinks he lost fair and square.

Announcer: Mario wins!


Mario: You lose! I win!

BIG Big Penguin: I have no Stars, but here's a trophy instead.

Mario jumps out of the painting.

Luigi: What'd I miss?

Mario: Just me winning this trophy.

Luigi: (looking excited) Does this mean our work here is done?


The End

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