Super Mario BROTHERS 64

Started by Dave Phaneuf

Course 3: Jolly Roger Bay

Star 1: Plunder in the Sunken Ship

By Dave Phaneuf

Mario and Luigi finally get three Stars and enter one of the three Star doors.

Mario: Hmm... is there a course here?

Luigi: I think this is where one of the paintings are.

Mario: Hmm... I'll try this one.

Mario attemps to jump into the painting but smashes into it.

Mario: Ouch...

Luigi: Ha ha! You got the wrong one!

Mario: Shut up!

Mario pushes Luigi to the side. Luigi ends up falling into the right painting.

Luigi: Whoa!!!

Mario: Huh? Luigi? Where are you?

Mario notices that one of the paintings is wavy.

Mario: Aha!

Mario jumps into the painting and ends up in the course, Jolly Roger Bay.

Mario: This must be it. We found it!

Luigi: You mean I found it.

Mario: No way.

Luigi: I went in first!

Mario: That's because I pushed you in!

Luigi: Well, um... if I wasn't there you would've had nobody to push in. Ha!

Mario: But if I wasn't there, there would be nobody to push you in so that's why I said WE FOUND IT now shut up!!!

Luigi: ...

They take a look at the place.

Mario: What is this place?

Luigi: It's wet. That's for sure.

Mario: You didn't have to tell me.

Luigi: ...

Mario: Where could all the Stars be?

Luigi: Mostly under the water.

Mario: Hey! I think I see a Bob-omb Buddy way over there!

Luigi: Me too.

Mario: Let's-a go check it out!

Mario and Luigi swim over to the Bob-omb Buddy.

Mario: Hello.

Bob-omb Buddy: Hi Mario and Luigi. Since you found me, I'll open the cannon for you.

The Bob-omb Buddy opens the latch.

Mario: Thanks.

Bob-omb Buddy: No problem.

Luigi: So where are we anyway?

Bob-omb Buddy: You are in Jolly Roger Bay.

Mario: Oh.

Bob-omb Buddy: There is a sunken ship in the deepest part of this place. I think that is where you should go first.

Luigi: Y-y-y-you m-m-ean under the w-w-w-water?

Bob-omb Buddy: Yes.

Luigi: W-w-what if there are sharks?!

Bob-omb Buddy: Don't worry.

Luigi: Phew.

Bob-omb Buddy: There is only an eel under there.

Luigi: AN EEL?!

Luigi faints.

Mario: Guess I'll have to drag him along again. *sigh*

Mario drags Luigi into the water and swims to the deep end. Soon he reaches the deepest part. Luigi then wakes up.

Luigi: Huh? Wha? Where am I? Hey! I'm in the water! LET ME OUT!!!

Mario: Shut up!

Luigi: I want out!!!

Mario: I'm-a not letting you! Now I need you to dive down and see what's down there.

Luigi: ME?! No way! Not-a doing! Count me out!!!

Mario: Fine! We'll settle this with a game of rock, paper, scissors. The loser dives down. Ok?!

Luigi: *sigh* Ok.

Mario: 3... 2... 1... Paper!

Luigi: Paper!

Mario: Rock!

Luigi: Rock!

Mario: Scissors!

Luigi: Scissors!

An hour later...

Mario: Ok! Let's do this on last time! 3... 2... 1... Paper!

Luigi: Rock! ... NO!!!

Mario: Finally! Now dive!

Luigi: Do I have to?!

Mario: *sigh* Look! We've been playing Rock, Paper, Scissors for an hour and no EEL has been seen! You'll be fine! Now GO!

Luigi: *gulp*

Luigi dives.

Mario: Finally!

(Luigi is going deeper and deeper under the water, Then he spots the sunken ship.

Luigi: (What a wreck!)

Then he spots the eel's head sticking out of one of the windows.

Luigi: !!!

Luigi swims up to shore as fast as he can.

Mario: He's been gone I little long. Maybe I should go check.

Just then Luigi shows up.

Mario: There you are. So what did you see?

Luigi: EEL! EEL! EEL!

Mario: Where?

Luigi: In one of the sunken ship's windows!

Mario: I'll go check!

Luigi: I'm going with you.

Mario: Why?

Luigi: I don't want to be alone.

Mario: Oh.

They dive into the water, Luigi points to where the ship is. Then they see no eel in the window.

Luigi: ???

Mario: (Next time, I'm diving first!)

Then Luigi notices that the window where the eel was is now open. He points to it, showing it to Mario. Then they go inside the sunken ship.

Mario and Luigi: ???

Then Mario ends up seeing a yellow block. Luigi notices four chests, They nod at each other, telling themselves to check each place out. Luigi heads for the chests and Mario heads for the yellow block. Luigi opens two chests with air bubbles inside of them. He takes one for himself and gives one to Mario, who is having trouble opening the yellow block. Luigi tries to open another chest but gets a shock. Then the two other chests close.

Luigi: ???

Then Luigi realizes that he has to open them in a certain order. So he does that. Then all of a sudden Mario and Luigi feel something moving.

Mario and Luigi: ???

All of a sudden the water becomes very low. Then they see that the ship is now floating.

Luigi: Cool!

Mario: Hey look! I can break the yellow box now!

Mario breaks open the yellow box, revealing a Power Star. He grabs it and we hear the Star music.

Mario: Here we go!!!

Luigi: Why do you always get the easy stuff?!

Mario: No clue! But let's get out of here!

They get out of the ship the same way the got in and head for the Bob-omb Buddy.

Luigi: We did it! We got the Star!

Mario: You mean I got it.

Mario shows the Star in his hand.

Luigi: Show off.

Bob-omb Buddy: And I can see that the ship is floating. That's great!

Mario: Yup. Well it's on to the next Star!

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