Super Mario BROTHERS 64

Started by Dave Phaneuf

Course 4: Cool, Cool Mountain

Star 7: 100 Coins

By Dave Phaneuf

Mario and Luigi enter the snowman picture once again.

Luigi: C-Cold.

Mario: It's time to collect 100 coins.

Luigi: This will take a while.

Mario: Not really. The slide in the cabin has a bunch of coins. This won’t take long at all.

Luigi: Then let's go.

Mario and Luigi head into the cabin, though on their way they grab the red coin on the tree and the five yellow coins above the chimney.


Mario: Ready to have fun?

Luigi: It depends on what you m-

Mario: Let's-a go!

Mario pushes Luigi onto the slide and jumps on after him.

Luigi: Yaaaahhh! A warning would be nice!!!

Mario: Weeee!!!

As Mario and Luigi slide down they grab every coin on the slide, with Luigi falling from one part to another into a secret shortcut. Luigi gets to the end much before Mario.


Mario: See? That wasn't so bad, was it?

Luigi: Speak for yourself.

The head out the cabin, which is right where the penguin is.

Mama: M-

Luigi: NOT... A... WORD!!!

Mario: Let's go to where that red coin star marker is. I remember seeing a blue coin switch there last time.

Luigi: Good! As long as it's away from THAT! *pointing to the penguin*

They head up to where the marker is, but Luigi misses his long jump, bounces off the bridge, and lands where the penguin is. Mario jumps up to where the blue switch is, presses it, and collects the two blue coins.


Mario: Just six more.

Where Luigi is…

Mama: My BABY!!!

Luigi: Can't... hold... on...

Mario (from far away): Luigi!!!

Luigi: What?!

Mario: Grab the three red coins down there! It's all we need!

Luigi: Ok!

Luigi grabs the red coin on the tree, the one near the warp, and the one behind the warp, and the Star appears. Luigi then grabs it and does the Star Dance.

Luigi: Here we go!

Mario: On to the next Star!

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