Super Mario BROTHERS 64

Started by Dave Phaneuf

Course 5: Big Boo's Haunt

Star 2: Ride Big Boo's Merry-go-round

By Dave Phaneuf

Mario and Luigi beat up the Boo in the castle courtyard and take the entrance to Big Boo's Haunt.

Luigi: Why do we have to go here again?!

Mario: Because I said so!

Luigi: But but...

Mario: I said so!

Luigi: ...

Luigi spots a spider.

Luigi: Yikes! Can we do this inside at least?!

Mario: Ok! You take the big house, I'll take the little one.

Luigi: WHAT?!

Mario: Just do it! And quietly please.

Luigi: (Why me?)

Mario: Go already!

Luigi: *grumble*

Mario heads for the small cottage, and Luigi starts for the big mansion.

Luigi: *gulp* I wish I had a flashlight.

Meanwhile Mario was just entering the cottage.

Mario: Where could I find a Star in this place? Huh? What's this?

Mario spots a cage-like platfrom and steps on it, and it starts to go down.

Mario: This thing is slow. *yawn*

Once the platform finally stops Mario gets off and opens the door ahead, leading to a hallway with another door at the end of it.

Mario: Well, this must go somewhere.

Mario continues on. Meanwhile Luigi is still making his way to the mansion, slowly but surely.

Luigi: Maybe if I go slow they won't notice me. Huh? What's that?

Luigi looks down to see a spider poking on his leg. His face turns blue.

Luigi: G....g...g...g...... AAHH!!!

Luigi races inside the mansion.

Luigi: I hate those spiders! I hate 'em I hate 'em I HATE 'EM!!!

A Boo appears in front of him.


Luigi races to the first door on the left.

Luigi: Phew, I lost the Boo.

Luigi spots a piano.

Luigi: Finally! Something normal in here.

The piano comes to life.

Luigi: Then again, maybe not. YAH!!!

The piano starts to chase him while Luigi runs like mad. Meanwhile where Mario is...

Mario: What a place. Huh?

Mario hears some banging way above him and someone screaming.

Mario: Great! What's he running from?!

Meanwhile where Luigi is...

Luigi: Ahh! Does this thing ever get tired?!

Luigi runs back out of the room, runs up the stairs, and enters the door on the far right.

Luigi: *huff, puff* Is this over yet?

Floating books come out of the bookshelves.

Luigi: What now?

Back to where Mario is...

Mario: I think I should've taken the big mansion.

Faint Voice: Yaaaaah!

Mario: Now what is he running from?!

Where Luigi is...

Luigi: Yaaah! Get away from me!

Luigi keeps stepping back until he falls through a see-saw like floor. Back to where Mario is...

Mario: Ok, now what is that music...?

Luigi: YaaaaaaaaAAAAHH!

Mario: Huh?

Mario looks up, paf!

Mario: Luigi! What are you doing here?!

Luigi: Spiders... Ghosts... Evil Piano... Hungry books... I WANT OUT!!!

Mario: Shut up, will you? Now that you're here, listen to that.

Luigi: What?!

Mario: That!

Mario points to where music can be heard.

Luigi: What is that?

Mario: Let's go look.

Luigi: No way! I'm staying right here!

Mario: Ok then. I'll go, you stay.

Mario leaves Luigi and goes on.

Luigi: Um... Wait up!

Mario: Look! There's a door. Let's go in.

Luigi: *gulp*

They enter and see what's inside: a merry-go-round.

Luigi: Wha...

Mario: Oooh. This looks like fun.

Luigi: ...

They jump on.

Luigi: Yikes!!!

Mario: What?!

Luigi: That!

Mario looks to see a picture of a Boo.

Mario: It's just a harmless picture. There's another one over there.

Luigi: Ok ok.

The picture spits out fire right on Luigi.


Mario: Oh brother.

Luigi: Just a "harmless" picture, huh?!

Mario: Everyone makes mistakes!

Luigi: *moan* Huh? Mario, look!

Mario: What?

Luigi: Ghosts!!!

Mario turns to see a bunch of Boos coming out of the other Boo picture.

Mario: So?

Luigi: ...

Mario starts pounding Boos until they're all gone.

Mario: See? Nothing to worry about.

Luigi: ...

A Big Boo comes out of the picture.

Luigi: O.O

Luigi faints.

Mario: Then again...

Mario starts running but the Big Boo gains on him quick. He ground pounds while not looking.

Big Boo: Oooor!!!

Mario: Looks like that works!

Mario does this two more times and the Big Boo disapears, then a Power Star pops out and takes its place near the entrance of the room. Luigi wakes up.

Mario: Yippie!

Luigi: *yawn* Oie...

Mario claims the Star and does the dance.

Mario: Here we go!

Luigi: Good! You got the Star! NOW LET'S GET OUTTA HERE!!!

Mario: Onto the next Star!

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