Super Mario BROTHERS 64

Started by Dave Phaneuf

Course 5: Big Boo's Haunt

Star 4: Seek the Eight Red Coins

By Dave Phaneuf

Mario and Luigi enter Big Boo's Haunt and show up outside again.

Luigi: Oh Mario. Ever heard of change?

Mario: Huh?

Luigi: You know. When we go somewhere different.

Mario: Huh?

Luigi: Nevermind. What are we doing here again?!

Mario: Stars, duh!

Luigi: ...

Mario: Let's go in.

They go in. Luigi is first in since he saw a spider on the way. Mario gave it a mean look, then went inside.

Luigi: What should we do now?

Mario: Let's look for red coins.

Luigi: Do you know how boring that is?

Mario: I want to get it over with.

Luigi: Good point.

Mario: Okay. I'll go right you go left.

Luigi: No way! I'm not going in that room!

Mario: Why?

Luigi: You'll see when you go in.

Mario: Ok.

Mario enters.

Luigi: Hehe. I'll go right.

Luigi heads right and enters the room. Inside is a red coin and a Boo.

Luigi: Yikes! Be calm, Luigi. Maybe if I go slow it won't notice me.

Luigi starts to tiptoe to the coin but it takes too long.

Luigi: Forget this. I'll just take the coin and run.

Luigi jumps across the hole and take the red coin, but the ghost pushes him off and he falls into the big hole that leads to Big Boo's merry-go-round.)

Luigi: Ahhhhhhhh...

Meanwhile where Mario is...

Mario: Oh look! A piano!

The piano comes to life.

Mario: Yikes! Mad piano! MAD PIANO!

It starts to chase Mario around the room.

Mario: I think this thing hasn't eaten in a while! Huh? A red coin!

Mario tries to get the coin but the piano goes back and blocks it.

Mario: Fine! I'll get that one later.

Mario exits the room entering main room. Luigi enters from the mansion entrance, all wet.

Mario: Where were you?

Luigi: Everywhere I didn't want to be. Speaking of which, I don't want to be here either!

Mario: Shut up, will ya? Let's both look in the next left door for more red coins.

Luigi: *grumble*

The both enter the room and find two red coins atop of a bookshelf each.

Mario: There's two now.

Luigi: Let's get them.

They do so. Mario gets the closer one while Luigi goes for the furthur one. As Luigi approches some books come out and open up with teeth.

Luigi: Not again...

Mario: What is that?!

Luigi: Trouble!

The book starts to chase Luigi while Mario gets the other red coin.

Mario: Got it!

Luigi: Good! LET'S GO ALREADY!

Mario and Luigi exit the room, Luigi being the first one out.

Luigi: Those books make me crazy. Like a lot of other things around here.

Mario: They seem nice.

Luigi: ...

Mario: Let's look upstairs!

Luigi: I recall seeing a red coin when going up there once.

They head upstairs.

Mario: I'll look in this room.

Luigi: I've been in there. Look out for the-

Mario enters.

Luigi: Oh well. I'll look in the room beside it.

Luigi enters. Where Mario is...

Mario: Now where to start? Huh?

Books pop out of the bookshelves.

Mario: Ah, there's the red coin.

Meanwhile where Luigi is...

Luigi: This room is like a tomb.

Faint Voice: YEEEOOOWWW!!!

Luigi: I told him, sorta. Well let's check this out.

One of the coffins rises as Luigi approches it, revealing a red coin.

Luigi: There's one.

Luigi rushes to get it. But he was too late to get out of the way of the falling coffin.

Luigi: Ouch...

Faint Voice: AHHHHHhhhhhhhh...

Luigi: Now he knows how I feel.

Luigi looks under the other coffins that rise up and finds one more red coin. Then he makes his way out of the room. As he exits the room, Mario is just coming in the mansion entrance, all wet.

Luigi: Where were you?

Mario: Swimming.

Luigi: ...

Mario: Well, did you find any coins.

Luigi: Yes. I've got three in all.

Mario: Same here.

Luigi: That makes six. Meaning there are two left.

Mario: Righto.

Luigi: Let's look in this room beside me.

Mario: Ok.

They both go in a room where the floor is like a cage, partially broken. A red coin is on the other side.

Mario: I'll do the long jump!

Luigi: Mario, wait-

Mario jumps, but goes too far, hits the wall, misses the coin, and lands on the floor below.

Mario: Ouch...

Luigi: *sigh* I'll try.

Luigi does a regular jump and lands right on the coin.

Mario: Lucky.

Luigi: ...

Mario: Just one left, but where could it be?

Luigi: Let's start searching.

Mario: Okie dokie.

Mario and Luigi start to search the mansion, which involves angry books and getting wet a few times. They meet in the central room one hour later.)

Luigi: Where is that blasted red coin?!

Mario: Oh... I remember. I didn't get the red coin where the mad piano was.

Luigi's face gets redder than Mario's hat.


Mario: I forgot.

Luigi: How surprising...

Mario: Let's go.

They both enter the room with the piano. It comes to life as soon as they enter.

Luigi: Yikes!

Mario: You distract it, I'll get the coin.

Luigi: Why me?!

Mario: Because I said so!

Luigi: *grumble* Hey piano! You couldn't catch me if your life depended on it!

The piano turnes really red.

Luigi: Uh oh.

Piano: *keys banging hard*

Luigi: AAAHHH!!!

Luigi runs for his life as Mario approaches the coin.

Mario: Finally! The last coin!


Mario picks the coin up and the Power Star appears.

Mario: I think that came from the main room.

Luigi: YIKES!!! WHOA!!! DOWN BOY!!!

Piano: *keys banging in rage*

Mario goes out to get the Star, while Luigi runs outside the mansion with the piano bashing through all the doors racing after him.

Luigi (from outside): HELP!!!

Mario claims the Star and does the Star Dance.

Mario: Here we go!

Luigi (from outside): ON TO THE NEXT STAR!!!

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