Mario and Luigi jump into the metal pool yet again and make their way to the toxic maze.
Mario: Hey, look! A Metal Cap!
Luigi: You got it last time! Let me have it this time.
Mario: Ok...
The Metal Luigi and Choking Mario search for another door and find one!
Mario:Hey! *cough* A Metal Cap! *cough, cough*
Mario grabs the Metal Cap.
Mario: Yeah!
Luigi: No! My cap is running out! *cough, cough, cough, cough, cough*
Mario and Luigi make thier way to the scaffold with Luigi in front of Mario.
Mario: I want to be in front!
Mario kicks Luigi with his feet and Luigi falls on the boulders.
Luigi loses all his health!
Luigi: @#$#$%#$@!!!
Bowser: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Mario grabs the Star and does his V sign.
Mario: Here we go!
Luigi makes his way back to the scaffold looking grumpy.
Luigi: Onto the next Star, and it's
all mine!!!