Mario: Well, now what?
Luigi: Mmmmmpppphhhhh!
Mario: Oh, you are stuck, aren't you? Let me help you.
Mario pulls Luigi out of the ground.
Luigi: Thanks, let's look for the next Star.
Mario and Luigi look around for Star under rocks and on top of the palm trees.
Luigi: This isn't helping.
Mario:Maybe if use a Wing Cap and fly over the desert, we might find it.
Luigi: You do it, I can get air sick.
Mario goes though the maze to the north and hops on the island with the Wing Cap and the cannon.
Mario: This should do.
Mario grabs the hat and jumps into the cannon. He goes flying acoss the desert looking for the Star.
Mario: There it i- Aaaghhh! My eyes! It burns!
Mario falls on one of the pyramid's slopes and starts to slide down.
Mario: Luigi! Help me!
Luigi runs to the cannon and fires himself, landing on top of the stone formation near the beginning.
Luigi: Here's a block with a Koopa Shell in it.
Luigi grabs it, then falls off the platform and gets stuck in the sand.
Luigi: Mmmmmppppphhhhh!
Some Goombas start to attack his feet.
Mario: Luigi! Hurry up!
Luigi finally pops out of the dirt.
Luigi: Mario!!!
Luigi runs over to Mario, but a Pokey gets in his way.
Pokey: I was told to kill you. Bye.
Pokey tries to fall on Luigi, but loses almost his whole body except his head.
Pokey: NO!!!
Luigi: Die, living plant!
Luigi punches Pokey a good one.
Mario: SAVE ME!!!
Luigi: Oops. Here!
Luigi throws the shell to Mario.
Mario: Thanks.
Mario surfs around the pyramid really fast to avoid the wind and Amps.
Mario: Finally there!
Mario does his all-too-regular Star dance.
Luigi: Next time, let's check the title.