Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Pianta Village

Red Coins of the Village Underside

By Hip

The Marios come out of the warp pipe on top of the Shine Gate in Delfino Plaza.

Mario: Whew! That last Shine was rough!

Luigi: Tell me about it! I never want to see another Chuckster in my life!

Mario: Well, let's go back and do the Red Coin challenge!

Luigi: Are you crazy? Um, don't answer that.

Luigi follows Mario into the pipe and they get warped to Pianta Village.

Mario: Don't worry, it'll be easier with our FLUDDs!

Luigi: Yeah right.

FLUDD2: I heard that.

The Marios cross the bridge and walk up to the Yoshi egg.

Egg: Bananas!

Luigi: I'll be right back!

Luigi runs over to the fruit tree and grabs a bunch of bananas, which he uses to hatch the Yoshi egg. The Marios hop onto the Yoshi. They go down to the platforms underneath the village and Yoshi squirts the yellow goop blocking the entrance to the warp zone and jumps in. The Marios arrive in the warp zone.

Luigi: How come Yoshi never comes into the warp zones with us?

Mario: Beats me, now let's hit that switch and grab the Red Coins!

Luigi: Tell you what! I'll press that heavy, heavy, switch, while you simply collect the Red Coins.

Mario: Sounds fair to me!

Luigi pounds the switch, which makes the Red Coins appear.

Mario: Here I go!

Mario walks over to the Chuckster at the end of the platform, ignoring the first one who would toss him up to the first Red Coin.

Chuckster: I'm a Chuckster!

The Chuckster throws Mario over to the next platform, and he starts to collect coins.

Luigi: Mario! You missed the first Red Coin!

Mario Well then, you get it! It's an easy one!

Luigi walks up to the first Chuckster.

Chuckster: I'm a Chuckster!

The Chuckster throws Luigi into the air and he grabs the Red Coin.

Luigi: Oh no! I'm gonna fly off the edge!

Luigi grabs onto the edge of the platform and climbs up.

Luigi: Phew! That was close! Now you pay!

Luigi squirts the Chuckster, who frowns at him.

Chuckster: I'M A CHUCKSTER!

Luigi: Heh, I didn't even go up to him that time!

The Chuckster starts to chase Luigi around the platform.

Luigi: Help!

The second Chuckster joins in.

Second Chuckster: I'M A CHUCKSTER!

Luigi: Waaaah! They're all against me!

Luigi switches to FLUDD2's Hover Nozzle and crosses over to the next platform.

Luigi: I'm safe!

Third and Fourth Chucksters: I'M A CHUCKSTER!

Luigi: Oh no! I'm trapped!

The second Chuckster tosses the first Chuckster over to the next platform. Meanwhile, Mario collects the last Red Coin and the Shine Sprite appears.

Luigi: Hurry, grab it!

The first Chuckster grabs Luigi.


The Chuckster tosses Luigi into oblivion.

Luigi: Help!

Mario grabs the Shine and does the Shine dance.

Mario: Yahoo!


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