Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Main Objectives

The Piranha of the Lighthouse

By Gold Yoshi

The Mario Bros. are walking to the portal to Bianco Hills when the two Pianta Guards walk over.

Guard: I thought you guys were cleaning up, not putting more paint!!!

Mario: We aren't.

Guard2: Don't lie to us!!! We know you guys are the ones who covered the lighthouse in paint!!! Clean it up!!!

Luigi: Okay!!! We will. (to himself) Jerk.

When they reach where the lighthouse is supposed to be, they find a puddle of paint. After spraying it for awhile, a Piranha Plant comes out. They spray it in the mouth three times to make it go down into the puddle.

Mario: We did-

The Piranha Plant comes back out.

Mario: -it.

They spray it in the mouth three more times. When it goes down this time, all except one area of paint goes away. They spray the area that's left and the blue Mushroomer appears. They clean him of and finally feel some rumbling.

Luigi: What's that-

Then the lighthouse appears.

Luigi: -rumbling.

Mario: Hey! There's another "M"!!!

Mario sprays the "M" and jumps inside. Luigi follows him to keep him out of trouble.

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