Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Bianco Hills

Red Coins of the Hillside Cave

By Mario64

Mario and Luigi have just completed Episode 3.

Luigi: That secret course was hard!

Mario: It was easy for me! Let's go again!

Luigi: No!

Mario straps Luigi to himself upside down and they both go back to the hillside cave.

Luigi: Mario! If I stay like this for a long time all my blood will rush to my head!

Mario ignores Luigi when his face turns red and they make their way to the cave.

Mario: We're here!

Luigi: All right! A red coin hunt! Now I feel like I want to go!

Luigi pounds the switch.

Voice: Get all eight red coins in one minute! Good luck!

Mario gets the red coin nearby. Then they get the four red coins near the blocks. Mario then gets on a cube block to get to the one star platform.

Voice: Ten seconds!

Luigi gets on the cube block and gets the last two red coins.

Voice: Time stopped!

Mario and Luigi get back. Mario makes it to the Sprite.

Mario: Wahha!

But Luigi gets pushed by a cube block!

Luigi: Wait! I only have one life left!

Voice: Too Bad and Game Over!


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