Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Ricco Harbor

The Secret of Ricco Tower

By Mr.Kite

Mario and Luigi were working hard. They had completed all of Bianco Hills, and some of Ricco Harbor.

Luigi: Do you think were working too hard?

Luigi wipes his forehead with a tissue. Mario is sweating furiously.

Mario: Yes *pant* I do.  And you'rE the only person I know that wipes off sweat with a tissue.

Luigi: I prefer comfort over performance.

Mario: Let's go cool off in Ricco Harbor.

Luigi: How do you cool off in a harbor?

Mario: I have my ways.

Luigi: Strange...

Mario: LET'S GO!

Luigi: (frightened) O-okay.

They head for Ricco Harbor, going through the bad painted M on the wall. As the cutscene says, the gate blocking the top of the tower is gone.

Mario: Hey look, Luigi! The gate at the top of the tower is gone!

Luigi: Let's go up!

Mario: But we can't, not without a Rocket Nozzle.

Luigi: ... WALL JUMP!

Mario: Yay!

Mario and Luigi wall jump up the platform sides, only needing 27 bandages and 3 ice packs.

Mario: I'll bet it's a secret entrance to another world!

Luigi: I'll bet you my limited edition cardboard box that we fall alllllll the way down to our dooms.

Mario: You're on!

They fall down into the white darkness.

Mario: I have a feeling that Shadow Mario is gonna come take our FLUDDs away from us.

All of a sudden, Shadow Mario comes out of the white and takes their FLUDDs.

Mario: (pulling out a handgun) Give them back. Now.

Shadow Mario puts his hands in the air and gives them back.

Mario: Thank you.

Shadow Mario then pulls out an M-16.

Mario: (handing them back) Y-y-y-you can keep them!

Then they dissappear into the white...

They land on a small platform.

Mario: You owe me your cardboard box.

Luigi: Fine.

Luigi hands over his box. They both look at the level before them. It's covered with wooden rectangles that have pegs on them.

Luigi: I'm allergic to sawdust!

Mario: Use a tissue.

They carefully cross the first part, the part with the four wooden peg things.

Mario: There's a Mushroom up there!

Luigi: Let's get it!

Mario: But how?

Mario and Luigi think for a minute.

Luigi and Mario: WALL JUMP!

Luigi and Mario wall jump from opposite walls and race for the 'shroom.

Luigi: I got it!

Mario: NO, I got it!

They both crash into each other and get halves of the fungi, which molds into two Mushrooms thanks to evolution.

Luigi: Let's move on.

They head to the moving gears, which you could slip off and spell your doooooomm.

Mario: Let's go. I'll go first.

Mario jumps on the first wooden gear. His shoe kicks up some dust in Luigi's face.

Luigi: Out... of... tissues... mustn't... sneeeeeeee- AAAACHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOblarg!

Luigi's sneeze blows Mario off the last gear, and slams him and eight gallons of mucus against a wall.

Mario: I'm falling into a bottomless pit!

Mario falls down and disappears.

Luigi: I guess it's up to me-a-a-a-ACHOOOOOOOBlarg!

Luigi's sneeze blows him over the gears, past the second set of wooden pegs, and straight into the Shine.

Luigi: That's what I call power of thy nose. Well on to the next Shine!

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