Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Ricco Harbor

100 Coins

By Ludwig 222

Luigi: What do you want to do next?

Mario: Collect 100 coins in Ricco Harbor!

Luigi: Let's do that!

Mario and Luigi enter the M on the boathouse.

Mario: Let's do Episode 3, okay?

Luigi: Fine.

Mario and Luigi are in Ricco Harbor now.

Mario: Let's start out with the coins over here.

Mario and Luigi Ground Pound all the crates and get three coins.)

Mario: Okay Luigi, I'll explore this ship over here with the crane, and you can explore the one with the smokestack.

Luigi: Okay!

They go to their ships.

Luigi: I wander if these spiders give off coins...

Luigi gets to the inside of the ship, climbs the wall, and punches the Klamber off.)

Luigi: Hmm... No coins. I guess the others don't have them either.

Luigi jumps off the wall to the ceiling, flips the gate to get above the room, jumps to the smokestack, Side Somersaults, and hovers to the catwalks above. He stomps on a Blooper up there, getting a coin. He stomps the next Blooper but the coin falls off the catwalks.

Luigi: Darn!

Luigi stomps the next Blooper and that one's coin falls off too.

Luigi: Grr...

Luigi goes on the walkway that leads over to the houses. He finds seven coins. He goes back to stomp the other Bloopers and gets three more coins.

Luigi: Let's see... Mario and I have 14 coins. Hey! There's coins up at that other ledge too!

(A Cheep Cheep knocks Luigi off.)

Luigi: Ugh...

Meanwhile with Mario...

Mario gets to the other end of the boat via the crane and stomps a Blooper there for a coin. He then Side Somersaults up to the platform above the crane and collects eight coins.

Mario: Guess I'll need to ride the platform...

Mario jumps onto the red platform, then jumps to the fence. He climbs to the top and flips the gate. He looks around and sees a crane coming his way.)

Mario: Aha!

Mario jumps to the crane and carefully moves around it. He jumps to the next fence on the other side, flips the gate, and jumps to the next crane when it's near him. He moves around it again and jumps to a red platform.)

Mario: I don't think I'll need this Rocket Nozzle right now...

He stomps the two Bloopers near him for coins, then notices two hanging Bloopers above him. He squirts one off and stomps it. He squirts the other off but it lands in the water.

Mario: Oops.

Mario jumps to another ledge close by and stomps a Blooper, but its coin falls off. A Wind Spirit appears, moves around Mario unnoticed, and hits Mario back to the red platform. He jumps on again, Side Somersaults to a higher ledge, and walks off for four coins. He swims down in the water for four more coins.)

Back with Luigi...

Luigi got out of the water and back onto the ship he was originally on. He notices some coins above the thing moving a red platform. He Side Somersaults and hovers to the back part for four coins, then goes to the front and stays there as it moves for eight coins. He goes to the catwalks and jumps to the higher ledge he was going to before, and Side Somersaults to a ledge with two coins. He avoids the Wind Spirits up there and stomps a Blooper for another coin. He drops down to a ledge for two other coins and hovers around the pillar holding the upper catwalk.

Luigi: I wonder where Mario is...

Luigi hovers to a ledge between two higher platforms and Wall Kicks up them, collecting seven coins. He hovers past the pits and stomps three Bloopers, the third one's coin falls off. He finds four coins at the end too.

Back with Mario...

Mario swims over to the ship Luigi went to and gets over to the catwalks. He follows a path to a house and jumps from house to house, finally finding a Rocket Nozzle. It bounces over to another house.

Mario: Now I need it!

Mario grabs it and goes over to Ricco Tower, where he Rocket Jumps to a higher ledge with two coins. He Rocket Jumps to the top of Ricco Tower, where he Rocket Jumps again (jumping at the last second) to get seven coins above him.

Mario: I don't think I'll need this Rocket Nozzle anymore...

Mario drops all the way to the ground and changes back to the Hover Nozzle.

Mario: Hey, I forgot there are some coins in the underground tunnels...

Mario goes to the start point and Ground Pounds the manhole. He explores the underground tunnels and finds 38 coins. He comes to the surface to find a Shine near him, and he gets it. As always, he does the Shine Sprite Dance. Luigi heard the Shine sound, but he was farther away from it than Mario.)



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